Giveaway CLOSED - Giving Away DIYS & Recipes

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im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Apple jelly
Carpaccio di capesante
Classic pitcher
Coconut cookies
Flower stand
Fruit-topped pancakes
Log dining table
Log wall-mounted clock
Minestrone soup
Orange end table
Pickled veggies
Shell table
Tomato bagel sandwich
Underwater wall
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Apple jelly
Carpaccio di capesante
Classic pitcher
Coconut cookies
Flower stand
Fruit-topped pancakes
Log dining table
Log wall-mounted clock
Minestrone soup
Orange end table
Pickled veggies
Shell table
Tomato bagel sandwich
Underwater wall
Ok. I should be available on and off for the next 2 hours or so. If I don't manage to catch you today, I should be available a couple of hours earlier tomorrow.

Also, do you want the following recipes that I hadn't added to the list yet?

French fries
Gold rose wreath
Honeycomb flooring
Log bed
Water pump
Hi! Can I please get the following?

Cardboard bed
Cardboard table
Gold-nugget mining car
Golden toilet
Golden wall
Knitted-grass backpack
Medium cardboard boxes
Money flooring
Mum cushion
Pile of cardboard boxes
Traditional straw coat
Woven-vines hat
Hi! Can I please get the following?

Cardboard bed
Cardboard table
Gold-nugget mining car
Golden toilet
Golden wall
Knitted-grass backpack
Medium cardboard boxes
Money flooring
Mum cushion
Pile of cardboard boxes
Traditional straw coat
Woven-vines hat
Sure! I also have the DIYs for Garden Rock and Pile of Zen Cushions if you want them. Did you want to visit my island or have me drop the items off on your island?

Edit: I have to go to bed. Hopefully, we can meet up tomorrow. I'm usually available on and off for a couple of hours after work.
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Hi! Can I please get the following?

Cardboard bed
Cardboard table
Gold-nugget mining car
Golden toilet
Golden wall
Knitted-grass backpack
Medium cardboard boxes
Money flooring
Mum cushion
Pile of cardboard boxes
Traditional straw coat
Woven-vines hat
I haven't heard back from you yet so I'll mark your requested items as reserved on the list. The reservation will last through Sunday. If I still haven't heard back from you by Monday morning, the reservations will be removed. Please let me know when you are available.
Sure! I also have the DIYs for Garden Rock and Pile of Zen Cushions if you want them. Did you want to visit my island or have me drop the items off on your island?

Edit: I have to go to bed. Hopefully, we can meet up tomorrow. I'm usually available on and off for a couple of hours after work.
Hi! Sorry for the delay, thought I hit post. I'm usually available after 5 p.m. EST weekdays and anytime weekends. Already have the garden rock but am interested in the pile of cushions, thanks!
Hi! Sorry for the delay, thought I hit post. I'm usually available after 5 p.m. EST weekdays and anytime weekends. Already have the garden rock but am interested in the pile of cushions, thanks!
Ok, I'm turning on my Switch now. I added a couple of other items to the list yesterday if you're interested in any of them. Also, do you want to visit my island or have me visit yours? It looks like Kicks is visiting today.
I haven't bumped this thread in a while. Several new DIYs and recipes have been added in the past week including a Lovely Cosmos Crown and a Pansy Crown.
I'd like to get ahold of the Cherry Dress DIY.

I probably won't be free to pick it up until later today or tomorrow, though.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Carrot bagel sandwich
Carrot scones
Carrot-tops curry
Cherry speakers
Cutting board
Fruit-topped pancakes
Garden rock
Mushroom crepe
Plain scones
Stone table
Wooden waste bin
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Carrot bagel sandwich
Carrot scones
Carrot-tops curry
Cherry speakers
Cutting board
Fruit-topped pancakes
Garden rock
Mushroom crepe
Plain scones
Stone table
Wooden waste bin
Ok. I should be available on and off for the next 5-6 hours.

Edit: I have the DIYs for Classic Pitcher, Paw-Print Doorplate, and Peach Umbrella if you want them.
Edit 2: I just got the recipe for Thumbprint Jam Cookies.
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