last film you watched!

Neon Genesis Evangelion 3: You Can [Not] Redo. I haven't even seen anything prior to it, needless to say I was quite confused.
Forrest Gump

My school gave me their copy of the film for free after we watched this masterpiece in class...
21&Over.. would recommend if it's 5am and you have nothing better to do.
Also watched Bo Burnham's new special called what.
The Blues Brothers but I didn't really pay attention. It was sort of just on. Last movie I paid attention to was Dredd. It was pretty good.
The Dark Knight, for my seventh time.

Yes, it's a great movie, and one of my favourites, too, but IMDb really overrates it too much.
I'm rewatching Edward Scissorhands. It's been a while since I've watched one of Tim Burton's films.
Previous three movies I had watched: Dallas Buyers Club, Her, & Frozen.

Jared Leto's performance as Rayon blew me away. Her was the movie that made my think hard and cry for an hour afterwards. Frozen's pacing didn't win any points for me, but the plot twist near to the end was beautiful.

Her definitely won for the best movie, as it got me thinking, the plot was wonderful, and Scarlett's voice. UNF.
It had a ferngully feel...but naturally nothing beats Ferngully or the bat rap.