Last Post Wins! #2

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I'm tired because I just did a crapload of homework! What? Crapload's not a word...? Well it should be!
I'm tired because I just started my homework, and I have craploads!

Craploads doesn't sound right. If it's gonna be a word, we can never make it plural. EVER.
Yayeah! Callie, you can post on the banned game, it says that you were the last post, but it was really me. Just sayin'.
Ooh nice. I wish I had noticed that earlier, I fell asleep at my computer and now it's about 5 hours later
The armadillo got hit by the truck and died a horrible, painful death. I know, it's a crappy joke, but it'll definitely get you some sort of attention.
Exactly, a slow painful death. And all of the animal kingdom, from the squirrels to the lions, will look at the armadillo, and look away. Armadillos suck, no one likes them. When they go to the movies, they always talk really loud on their phones, and they cut in line.
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