Last Update?

Major is the key word there. There may be minor updates, but nothing major like this one. This was definitely an overwhelming update.
theyt have also said this will be the only paid update as well

It will depend on how well this one sells, smash said they were only doing 1 dlc rooster, but then decided to do 2, if AC is giving them income, they won't stop supporting a title imo.

Looks like Nintendo told IGN:

"Nintendo shared the news with IGN in a presentation for today’s Animal Crossing Direct, where it revealed that the version 2.0 update and Happy Home Paradise DLC will both be available on November 5, 2021. Following that date, Nintendo says it will only be supporting the game with small changes."

Even though they used "small changes" the support part makes me feel like it'll basically be patches from here on out.
And, again, the Japanese version doesn't say "major," just a "no content updates."
Major is the key word there. There may be minor updates, but nothing major like this one. This was definitely an overwhelming update.
Except the Japanese version flat out says no more updates period. Meaning that if they're going to give us anything, it is just going to be patches. They're done giving us new content.
The website was ign. Unfortunately I worry this is the case. Hopefully there's a few more things they didn't show for version 2.0 like a shop upgrade...

Four things I want that could be considefed major are a shop upgrade, Gracies return with new and old sets, mini games, and Celeste on the right of the museum for symmetry.

Everything else I want could ve considered small, like Villager dialogue updates.
I remember hearing this during the direct and had a feeling of grief. I was so sad even though each screen was new content. Call me dramatic but I felt like this was the end. With the recent word on IGN it seems like that's the case. Even with minor updates... Idk. It was so good while it lasted though! And with Paradise coming I will suck even more hours into the game :)
Maybe we all are interpreting this wrong and this beeing "the last major free update" just means, that we will become major with the next one...

Yeah ok... the other thing might be slightly more plausible. :ROFLMAO: