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Pokémon Least Favorite aspect in each Pokémon Generation


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Every generation had their own flaws that made it the worst Pokémon generation in that area. From all the main series Pokémon games (not counting remakes), what was your least favorite part in each game?
Gen 1: There's no trainer rematches or post game (aside from catching mewtwo). The Elite Four feels final. Also a severe lack of bag space.

Gen 2: The rocket hideouts are lengthy and there's several in a row.

Gen 3: They removed the day/night cycle. (...why take out a cool new feature)? also the kanto remakes don't let you evolve the new pokemon into johto forms. Why can't I have a crobat.

Gen 4: it's slow :c platinum fixes this to an extent, but the animations are still a slog.

Gen 5: There's a serious lack of wild pokemon variety in the early game. Black/White 2 does fix this.

Gen 6: ...It's too easy. I know Pokemon isn't hard, but this is mind numbing.

Gen 7: For some reason, many of the trainers only battle with one or two pokemon. Also they locked out mega evo's until the post game.

Gen 8: Dynamax was the beginning of the gimmicks becoming unnecessary.

Gen 9: It was an attempt at making an 'open world game' except the levels don't scale, so what's the point?
Gen 1: As someone in fan-made game said it best, the types were unbalanced and the designs were bland. : D

Gen 2: The variety of Pokemon to catch isn't really a lot IF you take out ALL Pokemon that weren't introduced in this generation. The game honestly relies on Kanto a bit too much, to the point that it's included in post-game.

Gen 3: Too much H20 to be honest. 😟

Gen 4: Lack of available Pokemon to catch, but Platinum fixes this. My favorite gen.

Gen 5: This one is REALLY nitpicky, but the main character designs are kind of bland. Same for B2/W2.

Gen 6: Fairy type is dumb imo, at least with the way it was handled. Bonus: Mega evolutions weren't given to a lot of Pokemon that actually needed them.

Gen 7: The handholding and long cutscenes kill this for a lot of people. 😟

Gen 8: The story was actually kind of terrible compared to the other games, and the characters felt bland. Hop is also a pushover as a rival, just like Hau. Bonus: Unwanted Charizard fanservice in the form of Champion Leon.

Gen 9: The glitches that could happen in Tera raids are annoying.
Gen 1: Pokémon in battle sprites are pretty bad in RB (Yellow is slightly better and more tolerable) and the glitches pose a problem as a few of them will completely corrupt your game.

Gen 2: Batteries in the carts are always all dead in ones that have been used.

Gen 3: Same problem with batteries as Gen 2, impossible to complete the National Dex outside of Japan, fake copies too common now and the authentic games are being sold for extremely ridiculous prices

Gen 4: Trying to get female Combee, Munchlax, or Heracross from Honey Trees, the method of obtaining Spiritomb is extremely long and tedious and impossible to do if you don’t have any friends or a second DS, Feebas is extremely frustrating to get

Gen 5: The Dream World in general because of how you could only use it for an hour per day, could only choose one Pokémon from each area and sometimes you got two rare Pokémon in the same visit, only way to far, for any Berries in the entire Gen, and necessity of needing Wi-Fi to use the feature and then the entire server and site shutting down less than a year after BW2 were released which had their own rare Dreamworld exclusive Pokémon. Oh and half the medals are completely locked now because they require both the internet and Dreamworld.

Gen 6: XY felt incomplete, the Medal system being locked exclusively to the official site is annoying, and I didn’t get the gifts promised to me for having a Dreamworld account when the changes to the site for XY had happened

Gen 7: I was actually pretty satisfied with this Gen.

Gen 8 and 9: No in-game GTS, Home not causing trade Evolutions to happen (I get why held item trade evolutions don’t work but not Shelmet and Karrablast not evolving after being traded for one another)
Wow, I really needed this considdring my recent apathy toward the franchise. Let's see now...

Gen1: Psychic is unbalanced. Ghost type is bugged. Limited bag space. No post game. Pokemon sprites were awful. Yeah its the first gen but it doesn't get a pass they could've done better.

Gen2: Level scaling is atrocious. Normal moves like Return make everything trivial. Dark doesn't get a badge boost. Some new mons are in post game Kanto like Larvitar and Houndour. Rocket plot line was lame.

Gen3: No connection with Gen2 made me sad. No day-night cycle, even in FRLG so you can never get Espeon/Umbreon in those games.

Gen4: HM madness in the overworld for the Sinnoh games, even in HGSS sometimes.

Gen5: Lack of mon diversity in BW. This was fixed in B2W2

Gen6: Very easy with ExpShare. Even without it you can solo the game with your starter if you want. Forgettable characters in XY. Seriously I can't really remember much of the games. Sky battles were meaningless and responsible for Flying mon models to be airborne for multiple gens.

Gen7: Ultra Beasts are horrid designs but maybe that was the point??? Handholding and cutscenes make repeat runs excruciating. Lusamine should've been more evil.

Gen8: SWSH story was terrible. Villains weren't villains. Even Rose isn't really a villain so it didn't feel like anything was at stake. Gimmick was unnecessary to the point I wanted Z-moves back lol

Gen9: Villains weren't villains again (this is getting tiresome). Glitches and bugs make game experience awful. Open world wasn't really open world: no level scaling, lots of nothing and felt unfinished. Tera is better than Dynamax but now I'm tired of gen gimmicks and just want better games lol
Gen 1: Gen 9 gets a lot of hate for bugs, but after playing my fair share of Gen 1 the number of bugs and programming errors is wild. Also the balancing is terrible. Just get a good a psychic type and watch everything get nuked.

Gen 2: I love Gen 2 but what is this level curve!? Also the majority of new Pokemon are only available in the post game in Kanto… why!? From a lore standpoint that doesn’t make any sense nevermind from a game design one. Also as cool as it is that you get to explore Kanto, at the same it’s boring compared to how you get to explore it in Gen 1.

Gen 3: My fave gen but not without its issues. No day/night cycle was probably the worst, I’m glad this came back for its remakes at least. It didn’t bother me as a kid but not having compatibility at all with Gen 1 and 2 sucks. It also made the Pokédex near imposssible to complete. I still never have in this gen.

Gen 4: Soooooo sloooooooow. Saving a lot of data… endless Chansey/Blissey health bar… the Great Marsh… You get the idea… I finally got ahold of Platinum years later but I suffered with Diamond for well over a decade. As did many people as third games never sold as well as most already had at least one of the first two games.

Gen 5: Not a fan of the graphics style here. Gen 3 and 4 looked so good but the pixelly trying to be 3D but also not really at the same time is just eh. Also why not make the region based on the Untied States as a whole instead of just New York City? I always saw a Pokemon adventure as travelling far and wide through the wilderness not just cities.

Gen 6: Of all gens this gen is just too easy. I even play with the Exp share off and purposely don’t use Mega Evolutions and it’s still not very hard. I know I’m older now and know the series pretty much inside and out but even when revisiting every game Gen 6 by far comes off as the easiest.

Gen 7: I didn’t like how the sequels were handled. The Ultra games had features that the first games should have already had or been in an update. Sure the story was different (and worse) but it felt like a slog to play only a slight different take on the same game. At least in Gen 5 Black2/White2 were proper sequels that actually felt worth playing after their first games.

Gen 8: What is this story!? I know Pokemon typically doesn’t have super amazing stories but this is just awful. Also the Zacian/Zamazenta animation of just turning on the spot is so bad. You’d think for the boxart mascots they’d put in proper animation but nope.

Gen 9: Mainly just lacks overall polish. Too many frame drops and glitches. Raids are fun but the bugginess takes away from them for sure. Also in general I do like the open world style but other things have suffered due to it. Towns and cities don’t feel as real anymore since you can no longer explore inside of the buildings and I can’t even be bothered to fight trainers since you don’t even have to.

Overall I have enjoyed every Gen when I’ve played them despite these criticisms.