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Smash Bros Least favorite character?


Jun 26, 2013
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Who's your least favorite character?

Whether you have something against them in their universe or you just cannot stand something about them, like their voice or moves, I want to know.

I think mine is Mega Man.
Who's your least favorite character?

Whether you have something against them in their universe or you just cannot stand something about them, like their voice or moves, I want to know.

I think mine is Mega Man.

Why don't you like Mega Man? Is it because his games are too hard? I think they are hard too, but that's the charm of the Mega Man series, making it to the end of the stage after a long session of frustration is really satisfying. Or is it because of the incident with Mega Man Legends 3?
Why don't you like Mega Man? Is it because his games are too hard? I think they are hard too, but that's the charm of the Mega Man series, making it to the end of the stage after a long session of frustration is really satisfying. Or is it because of the incident with Mega Man Legends 3?
I think it's because that Mega Man's a long range character and really hard to do combos with someone who's a beginnner.

I got used to Mega Man really fast (after all, he's the Super Fighting Robot), and he became one of my mains.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My least favorite is Zelda, mostly because she lacks any KO power without customization.
I detest using Meta Knight and I'm not that fond of "OP Mac" either. Meta Knight is weak as crap and Little Mac has no recovery.
Ike, I really hate fighting Ike users on Smash, His range and damage are just too good ;-;
Why don't you like Mega Man?

I think it's because that Mega Man's a long range character and really hard to do combos with someone who's a beginnner.

That is basically it. Or, I'd consider myself a beginner considering last time I played a Smash game was Melee for the gamecube.. Ah, Melee.. good times, good times..
I still actually play it but not as often as I used to..
Lucario is garbage

character that rewards you for playing like ****

also not to mention that his design is just plain awful

Probably Mr Game & Watch or Pacman. Unnecessary and boring characters imo.

>throws down hydrants
>tosses fruit
>mascot of the developer studio (yes I know this is more the reason he got put in, but really as far as third party characters go he's most necessary going by this)

Mr. Game & Watch
>only character to not be 3D modeled
>a wide variety of creative weaponry
>represents an important part of Nintendo's history (since you know, this franchise has kinda become a celebration of that and all)

clearly more boring than having 3 generic swordspeople, one of whom is basically a clone of another
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To comment on everyone's responses:
Mega Man - He has a niche that is challenging but if you can get the hang of it, he's great. Plus Mega Man games are great too.
Zelda - If you can't KO with Zelda then you are not playing her properly, enough said. Her Darknut -IS- her traditional KO move but she has more tricks up her sleeve that most people are unaware of, like the fact her teleport "ejects" someone from the space you teleport into. Her aerials also have very strong sweet spots if you can land them.
Game and Watch - He has that old school charm and stands out against the current gen.
Pac-Man - One of the most well known video games characters ever and follows the old school charm trope.
Little Mac - He is supposed to be horrible in the air, he never leaves the ground in his games. It's explicitly said by Doc himself in the reveal trailer.
Meta Knight - I honestly don't know jack about him except he got nerfed hard.
Ike - Yeah he's strong, he's the Bowser/DDD/Gdorf of the Fire Emblem roster.
Mario - Don't talk smack about Mario fool.
Dark Pit - Yeah he sucks I agree, his back story even says he is a edgy clone. Sakurai actually was a director for Kid Icarus Uprising so that explains.. a lot..
Why is Lucario still in Smash but Snake got the boot?
Why is Lucario still in Smash but Snake got the boot?

Because Gamefreak is trying to force Lucario as a secondary mascot, and because Konami is being a bunch of pricks, and if they did bring him back, he probably wouldn't be voiced by David Hayter.
Well like Stargazer said Konami is being a bunch of pricks. To elaborate, Metal Gear Solid 5 came out for Xbox 360 and One, Playstation 3 and 4 but not Wii U which obviously can run it if ported. Yet they didn't. Best way to stick it to Konami? Give Snake the boot. Plus Snake is pretty irrelevant to Nintendo and was a wildcard addition to Brawl in the first place.
Lucario is back because he has a huge fan base, simply put.
Well like Stargazer said Konami is being a bunch of pricks. To elaborate, Metal Gear Solid 5 came out for Xbox 360 and One, Playstation 3 and 4 but not Wii U which obviously can run it if ported. Yet they didn't. Best way to stick it to Konami? Give Snake the boot. Plus Snake is pretty irrelevant to Nintendo and was a wildcard addition to Brawl in the first place.
Lucario is back because he has a huge fan base, simply put.
I wouldn't exactly say Wild Card, he did have a game on the Gamecube.
Depends. I'd have to play more of Smash 3DS to decide, but from Brawl and Melee I really didn't like Ice Climbers at all.
aside from that MGS1 enhanced port Metal Gear has never really been on a Nintendo console. I really doubt Nintendo would cut simply for something as petty as that.

Oh, and there's that spinoff Gameboy game as well.

But really, if anything I've always seen MGS being more closer to a Sony franchise than anything else, despite having games released on XBox and PC too. Not that I hated Snake, but...

Though lets say he came back as DLC... I'm pretty positive they could still have Hayter voicing him, either just recycling old clips or bringing him in for new ones. Simply because iirc the voice change Punished Snake got was due to some weird thing where Kojima wanted to differentiate the two characters. Which considering MGS4 has Big Boss voiced by someone not Hayter it doesn't seem entirely a bad decision. Even moreso knowing exactly what MGSV's plot leads up to. All in all, its just an odd choice, considering that iirc his Japanese voice was kept the same. Though I could see multiple reasons for it. But if Snake were to return, I can't see how Punished Snake not being voiced by Hayter would lead to the same for Smash.

Because lets face it: Can you imagine Punished Snake in Smash? Solid Snake is already a pretty hard stretch, but seriously just try to imaging Punished Snake


shooting children and smearing dead people ash all over his face

while a puppy happily frolics in the background
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I wouldn't exactly say Wild Card, he did have a game on the Gamecube.

Well I'd say wild card because I remember being hyped for Brawl and suddenly Snake makes it in, NO ONE saw it coming. Yeah, he had that game on the Gamecube but that was the strawman reasoning Nintendo used to justify it really, which was purely a port of a (still kinda) Playstation exclusive.

This is coming from someone who loves Metal Gear Solid, has played them all and played a ton of Snake in SSBB and Project M. I get the reason, it just isn't a good one.