leg exposure?

how often do you wear outfits that offer leg exposure?

  • if I'm not showing leg then I'm probably dead!

  • basically always

  • most of the time

  • only when it's seasonal/weather permitting

  • I typically don't

  • practically never

  • catch me dead before you catch me showing leg!

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Somewhere in-between "most of the time" and "I typically don't". I just wear whatever I have though I guess I shouldn't be wearing long pants in the summer...
I don't like wearing shorts since all but one pair of them are too short for my liking, so I often opt for pants. Shorts are reserved for extremely hot days, so 16th century puritans would love my fashion sense for 10/12 months of the year.
Puritan here, not exposing anything!
Every time I expose something I get cuts and bruises, burns and bug bites and not one or two, more like 100+ and I can have allergic reaction where my leg looks like a balloon.
I expose my arms sometimes and have plenty of scars.
I'd say weather permitting but whenever I get the chance I'll be wearing shorts!!! Only if it's really cold I'll wear long pants, otherwise, I like wearing shorts. I gotta let my legs breathe- so most of the time!
never, unless i'm wearing a dress (which is also rare) but i never wear anything short. it's a lose lose situation, the puritans might execute me because im a pants wearing woman 😔
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When I was younger, I wore shorts all the time, I didn’t like the feeling of anything else. Now, I wear both shorts and long pants pretty equally, but it doesn’t really depend on the weather, moreso my mood and the outfit I want to wear
I dress according to the weather. Although I did get picked at for having my shorts above the knees. I was told 'guys don't do that'. It was just another teenager telling me this, but one of those things that stuck out as "hm, maybe I shouldn't be doing this" .
Most of the time I'll wear shorts if I can, unless it's winter and freezing outside. Then some form of pants is probably a safe bet. :lemon:
i love wearing dresses and skirts and shorts but i notice if there’s cool air/breeze that hits my legs when im out of my house i often get stomachaches for some reason.

i remember wearing shorts several years ago on a target trip, my stomach started hurting and my legs had goosebumps so ever since then i thought exposed cold legs led to stomachaches. maybe it just intensifies it? i don’t know if its causation or just correlation but it’s weird.
I almost always wear shorts indoors because they feel more comfortable to wear than sweatpants. Plus, I have trouble falling asleep at night when I'm wearing long pants, so even during winter I normally wear shorts indoors and cover myself with a blanket to stay warm.
i like wearing dresses and skirts even in the winter (but i wear with tights cause it's freezing ofc). i think the only time i'll wear pants is if i'm going somewhere with my dog so he doesn't accidentally scratch me or something.
I will show my legs in the summer and occasionally the winter. Shorts happen to be my least favorite piece of clothing and I dread wearing them, but I do love my short-alls and sometimes I'll wear a dress. I also like ripped jeans, which offers some decent leg exposure.
I usually only wear shorts in the warmer summer months. Otherwise pants are my go to.
I wear dresses occasionally, but I will not wear shorts in public. Shorts are for around home only as no one wants to see my pasty white legs lol
I always wear long pants and long sleeves - For the sake of having to use less sunscreen - I hate having to pay for sunscreen. On hotter days, I wear white and always hydrate - It does help that my area doesn't get too hot - I wouldn't be able to manage a place like Phoenix or Vegas.
I'm not a huge fan of showing off my hairy legs... 🤣 I will wear shorts in the summer occasionally, but I also wear long pants in the summer. Like, I don't have a problem with showing my legs, I don't really care / I'm not too self conscious about it. But I also don't need to "show them off" at every opportunity, you know?