leg exposure?

how often do you wear outfits that offer leg exposure?

  • if I'm not showing leg then I'm probably dead!

  • basically always

  • most of the time

  • only when it's seasonal/weather permitting

  • I typically don't

  • practically never

  • catch me dead before you catch me showing leg!

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I just get pretty cold most of the time, so I keep my legs covered. Also when it does get hot, sweaty legs can get sticky when you sit and other not fun stuff. When I used to run more, I liked my legs more and might have shown them off, but it’s been more than a few years since then;)
But I love the idea of showing a touch of ankle being scandalous and sexy! Ooo la la! #bringbackthepuritanaesthetic
i never show off my legs bc i dont feel like shaving. only time i go pantsless is when im wearing pajamas, i have a nightgown, and that's only at home. if i'm staying at someones house ill have pants on
If I'm at home then I'll almost always wear shorts, but when I'm going outside I'll wear longer pants or occasionally skits with leggings. Unfortunately I'm a mosquito magnet so it's best to avoid leg exposure :/
at home i usually wear shorts year round, unless it gets really cold and i have to layer up. but i never ever wear shorts outside of the house. if i'm wearing a longer dress or skirt outside of the house, i always wear leggings underneath
During the summer I wear shorts, but that’s it for me. At home I’ll always be in my pajamas (shorts and tank too) but that’s only when it’s just family here.We never have guests besides my sister’s family.
I only expose my leg when I am wearing shorts or swimwear. I prefer pants most of the time. Pants also help against mosquitoes, a creature of this world that I hate with a passion and intensity more than a thousand suns.
I went with "practically never"

I will break out the shorts if it really gets hot enough but I prefer to be covered up. I also like long skirts that don't show much leg or if I'm wearing a short skirt I will wear opaque tights with it
if the weather allows for it then maybe. i usually wear long dresses and skirts though so there's not a lot of leg
I hate shorts. The only time you’ll catch me showing my legs is while I’m wearing swim trunks.
I typically wear skirts/dresses year round (with tights in the colder months) but once the weather warms up I just wear shorts underneath so my legs are out! The degree they are out depends on the length of my skirt but in general my legs don't really tan like my arms so they must not see much sun.
i typically don’t, i get too lazy to shave plus lots of the shorts out there are too short for my liking now :C
although i’ve been thrifting and finding longer skirts and …normal(?) lengthened shorts so perhaps this is the summer where i can feel more comfortable wearing them outside •̑‧̮•̑
Totally depends on season! Show ‘em off in summer but otherwise it’s pretty much always long pants… they get cold kinda easily, they bruise easily, my legs might be pretty but they usually ain’t comfy.
I'm sure 16th century puritans would be aghast at me, a woman, wearing PANTS

But yeah most of the time I have my legs mainly covered up by either jeans or leggings.. I have a pair of shorts but it just feels too awkward to wear shorts for some reason
in the summer time I’m definitely bringing out the leg exposure! it gets way too hot where I live so I tend to wear shorts all summer long. spring time I might show some slight leg exposure depending on the weather but any other time of the year (mainly fall and winter) you can catch me in joggers / sweatpants or leggings with no leg exposure. unless of course I’m at home and the heat is turned on then I might chill in some lounge shorts.
Outside, practically never. My legs are crazy hairy and I'm self conscious about it. I tried shaving them twice and after over two hours they still had a ton of hair. Instead I just wear jeans all times of the year and only wear shorts as pajamas at home.
It depends on the weather. When temps are 20°C or higher, you’ll never catch me wearing long pants. It’s strictly shorts weather for me, regardless of how chubby my thighs are or if I’ve shaved my legs. I’m really sensitive to warm/hot and humid temps, so I try to wear as light and as few clothes as possible during the summer (and some days during fall and spring) to try and keep myself as cool as I can. I of course aim to shave my legs when I know I’m going to be exposing them, but if I don’t get around to it for whatever reason, that won’t stop me from wearing shorts. Leg hair doesn’t hurt anybody, and I’m not going to make myself uncomfortable just to make other people comfortable if they don’t like leg hair LOL. I also never wear long pants at home, regardless of the weather.

When temps are below 20°C, I wear long or mid-length pants. The most leg I show off are my ankles and/or my calves.
I wear shorts when it’s hot, but usually knee-length. I used to HATE wearing shorts because I thought pants were comfier (still kinda do). I never wear jeans and usually wear long, flowing pants. Not yoga pants, but looser? (Almost like gauchos) There’s one brand from Amazon I like.

The only drawback to wearing shorts in the heat is the bug bites. Idk what my blood type is, but if I go outside for even a few minutes my limbs will be EATEN by the mosquitoes! They go at my legs like people go for turkey legs at a Renaissance Faire! I think I will try to find a better bug spray, though….
Extremely rarely. I'm conscious about how they're shaped and also worried about if I have shaved them recently enough. lol. Also, now I have a big scar on the back of one of my legs due to an operation. 😓

It is what it is. Aside from how I get so warm so easily I'm not too bothered by it. I primarily wear capris and maxi skirts/dresses in my day to day life. Anything shorter than that and I'll feel uneasy. Ironically I wear very short shorts at home. xD I have shorts I have worn in public but it's extremely seldomly (like only a quick run to the store, or an instance where I stay in the car like going through drive-thru's).