Pokémon Legends Arceus Trailer


Nov 29, 2019
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Dreamy Party Popper
Fair Pinwheel
Balloon Dog
Balloon Dog
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
So another trailer dropped and another Hisui evolution was revealed. This time its Kleavor, the Bug/Rock evolution of Scyther. Not only that. Many new game mechanics were revealed as well!

Wardens: The new Gym Leaders? Not sure how different they will be or if we even battle with them. Will be very interesting.

Alpha Pokémon: Kleavor in this game is known as "The Lord of the Forest". It'll be interesting how they will differ

Flute: It seems the flute in the trailer summons your PokeRide. Pretty cool. It also makes me think of the Azure Flute...

Trainer Customisation: Yes. Yes! YES! I'm so happy we get to customise our trainer. It was honestly a neat surprise!

Galaxy Team: Our player is part of this organisation. It makes me think of how Cyrus turned this "research team" into a crazy space cult. It will be interesting. Doesn't Arezu look kind of like Commander Mars?

Let know your thoughts. What did you think of the newest trailer? What are you looking forward to in this game?
I noticed that the male Trainer actually made a small grunt when he got hit (I think it was from Electrivire). If it was indeed him, this will be the first time the player will have a voice; probably won't talk, but it could maybe be like LoZ where Link makes noises but no actual speech.
I noticed that the male Trainer actually made a small grunt when he got hit (I think it was from Electrivire). If it was indeed him, this will be the first time the player will have a voice; probably won't talk, but it could maybe be like LoZ where Link makes noises but no actual speech.

Its my opinion, but I think its better for the player trainer not to have a voice. If they want NPCs to have voices I'm alright with that but not my PC. My experience with voice customisations has been very hot and cold. However, it is nice that the PC grunts when they get hit. At we know they feel the pain 😅
i was really happy and relieved to see the character customization! honestly, it's the main thing i care(d) about -- it makes or breaks games like this for me. i really like the look of the half-up/half-down esque hairstyle they showed, and hopefully there are more than what was shown on that menu. i also hope (but am not expecting, sadly) that they won't be gender locked. i don't have a need for any of the male hairstyles personally, but i know a lot of people would like the option of both sets. the clothes seem either fairly gender neutral or not gender locked this time around, so there is that.

i like the look of kleavor too. it's pretty cool! (my girlfriend said it looks like the evil cricket from a bug's life lmao.) i also liked the design of, uh... i can't remember her name (rip), but the warden with black hair?
The game's concept is definitely really neat and it's something that I'm sure we've all wanted at some point. I just feel like it's unfinished. The lands are so bare and graphics, a la typical Gamefreak style, are just years behind when you compare it to something like BOTW. That said, the game could still be good, I just feel like it needs more time to be freaking amazing. I'd be sad for them to push it out before it's ready and have something lackluster. The potential for this game is incredible so I'm hoping it'll be fantastic! Riding Pokemon and jumping around is going to be super fun.
For real though, it's BotW: Pokémon style, which is really cool. At first I didn't think too much of this game, I just brushed it off as yet another generic spinoff, but now it's looking more and more like Game Freak is truly experimenting with a whole new Pokémon formula, which is about time. After 20+ years of the same old same old main formula, this is a real refreshing, much needed take on the series.

Using the flute instantly reminded me of Twilight Princess where Link uses the grasswhistle thingy to summon the hawk, or the other grasswhistle thingy to summon Epona lol I can't recall their actual names. Riding Pokémon was an idea GF tried to implement in Gen 6 with Rhydon, Mamoswine, etc. and imo they really nailed it in SM/USUM with Taurus, Lapras and the others....but what REALLY impressed me is what they did in ORAS with the ability to travel across the entire Hoenn region on Mega Latios/Latias in the vast, open skies. Looks like we'll be able to do the same in Hisui with Braviary.

Alpha Pokémon = Totem Pokémon

Wardens are the Gym Leaders, to be sure. And is it just me or does Mai bear a striking resemblance to Marley? Ancestor, perhaps? I mean, Marley's Japanese name is Mai, so.......will we possibly see other characters that could be part of the lineage of current characters in present-day Sinnoh? That would actually be really interesting.

I probably won't get the game day one, just in case it ain't all that we hoped for, but so far it looks pretty promising. I'll need to check out reviews and some gameplay first before making any final decisions, but you can bet my starter Pokémon will be Oshawott, because samurai otter in the feudal Japan of the Pokémon world? YES 🥰
For real though, it's BotW: Pokémon style, which is really cool. At first I didn't think too much of this game, I just brushed it off as yet another generic spinoff, but now it's looking more and more like Game Freak is truly experimenting with a whole new Pokémon formula, which is about time. After 20+ years of the same old same old main formula, this is a real refreshing, much needed take on the series.

With every new trailer, I feel like Legends Arceus is Generation 9. Its a completely new territory for Game Freak and I love it! They obviously wanted to change the formula and give us a whole new experience. I don't think that Game Freak meant to copy BoTW but I do think that they honestly wanted an open-world game for a long time and BoTW was a good open-world model to go by. Time will tell but I love what I'm seeing so far.
It has grabbed my attention a little more. I was not interested in it at all initially but it is peaking my interest. I like the photo mode with Pokemon, engaged combat with your trainer and the customization. Still not too impressed with the graphics, but that didn't stop me from enjoying Sword.
What does everyone think of Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark? I think they are pretty cool. Very Excited for Pokemon Legends Arceus