• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Legends of the Creepy Hollows


Every autumn, it is observed that a graveyard littered with tombstones mysteriously befalls upon the art department's lawn.
Each year its inhabitance grows with more and more graves.
Just why does it appear? We do not know how or why for sure, but the timing of its appearance strangely lines up with midterm exam season... and so rumors have determined that this graveyard comes by each year to pick up the poor, exhausted souls of these art students.


There's a tale that the elders always tell to naughty children
to beware of what might lurk beneath down below
for you will never know if and when they might come for you
when you are at your most vulnerable state... *
evil cackle*

Do monsters live under your bed? No, do monsters live under the covers?
for unknown reasons creatures appear from under the covers and come to watch your every move in your sleep with their big eyes
why does this keep happening? What do they want from you?
Sorry for the blur this is clear as I can get it in the dark without too much light blinding it
Only on a lunar eclipse can you spot the fire lizards lair, at the base of a large, active volcano. 🌋 Some people from the nearby village claim it’s all a myth, but others claim they’ve seen the lizard. Elders in the village honour it, and say their lives were saved by the great fire lizard over sixty years ago. When they were just small children, the volcano erupted and molten lava spilled towards the town. They say the lava solidified right before the doorstep of each house in the village, allowing the villagers inside to escape, and it was the first and only time they had ever seen the beast. 🔥


Just kidding; it’s just my wood fire heater. 😊🔥

Thought spaghetti was the only thing creeping in your sink? Think again, this sink spirit will take the shape of a cute little animal and show itself to you as a reminder to not keep things dirty, and perhaps give you a little scare. Only to be seen during certain hours, here's a rare sighting of it.

Make sure to keep your sink clean and regularly pour some water to keep it down the pipes and to keep it content, you never know when it might rise again.


We all know that spiders can be creepy... but have you ever heard
about the one with glowing red eyes and a body that is larger than
a human head? Well, I might've found out where it lives...

Who would've thought that one day the waterdamage from our roof would be useful 😂
When we moved into our apartment we were told that this door was "accidentally" painted shut. We were told it could not be opened. We were assured that there was "nothing" behind the door and not to "not give it a second thought". Two years ago we adopted our cat, Mama. After she was with us a few months we saw her sitting in front of the door staring at it intently. She was making scared little mews and chirps. When I called her name she looked at me - her eyes wide with fear. Then Mama suddenly dashed away like the Hounds of Hell were on her heels. Even now, every so often, Mama sits eyeing the door warily...

Recently we've also noticed that late at night, when all is quiet, there seems to be eerie noises coming from behind the door. Whispering... shuffling... slithering... Last night we heard something new - a slow creaking sound. We couldn't see anything in the darkness so we took a quick pic. We really wish we hadn't...



I couldn't hold my phone and my name tag so I asked my son to hold the paper for me. I hope that's okay.

This is acutally just the door to where our stackable washer & dryer is. lol!
Mama really does sit in front of it staring and meowing. That's what gave me the idea. She doesn't do with when we're running the washer or dryer though...
Faraway and beyond the lakes the forest grew and grew. All manner of monsters and terrifying environment were there. Growing up on the other end of the lake I saw it with my own eyes: in just the span of three decades it formed from a pack of trees behind the hill, into a forest rolling over it- the ground grew, as did the forest- one tree came to tower above the rest, spirits piled atop one another in the ground. People told stories of the pits spiralling around the roots there, how you would find nothing but a void behind the forest and other such semantics…

But within the last decade the breadth of this forest terrifies me. The hills now press against the wall which once guarded us and the trees have begun crawling over that, toward my old home. I’m afraid of what lies beyond… I’m seeking refuge elsewhere before things go to hell. This newsprint clipping, one of the few things I can carry on me, is a stark reminder of what I’m running away from…


Edited in procreate, dramatic filter added then some HSB shifting + erasing layers for different colors, and a halftone laid on top

unedited pic (I don’t know why this rotated)




(edit is only to fix the spoiler syntax promise i changed nothing else lol, i thought i had it right the first time but oops)
Just a question if that’s ok? I was out today and took a picture I would like to use if possible. Rules look like a digit signature is ok? If not it’s ok as I can retake with a name card or do something else 💜 (still need to think of an entry 😱💜
Oh I have a little question too: is sharing my entry (not advertising/linking here) on a Discord server ok or should I wait until the contest is over before doing that?
Real talk: I took this picture at 2 AM while on my graveyard shift at the hospital. It was a closed-off portion and I honestly don’t know what happened for it to become this… abandoned-looking. While I was hanging out in the area, a nurse behind me said, “Excuse me,” and proceeded to enter through door and disappear. For what reason I don’t know, but I never saw him come out of it.

…Night shifts at the hospital scare me.


it’s probably not that serious though. heh.

There is a forgotten forest somewhere where many people have gone missing over the years. No one actually knows where it is cause anyone who has stumbled within has never returned.

The only thing we have to go by is this old photograph that was apparently taken on the outskirts of said woods a very long time ago. What’s the meaning of those stones? Do they represent those forever lost within the woods? We shall never know.


With each step the sense of dread grows. Like a fist closing around the heart. Tighter and tighter. Many have collapsed before reaching the top.

“Heart attack”, says the coroner.

But, the house knows. It’s terror. Pure and simple.
Just a question if that’s ok? I was out today and took a picture I would like to use if possible. Rules look like a digit signature is ok? If not it’s ok as I can retake with a name card or do something else 💜 (still need to think of an entry 😱💜
You can't write a digital signature directly on the photograph. If you wrote it on a phone/tablet and then had the phone in the unedited photo, would be accepted. Hope that makes sense.
“Grow vegetables”, they say. “It’ll be fun”, they say. It’s not fun. This vegetable box has a mystic power that turns all plant life inside of it into shriveled, rotten plants. If animals get in and eat anything even remotely growing in this soil, they turn rabid. That must be where the
was getting its food. Makes sense, since everything in there is always destroyed. This box is nothing but haunted ruins now. It’s still unsafe to eat anything from here, or even use the soil. It has this dark, disturbing aura about it that makes you want to stay far away.



*edited with permission to change broken link to spoiler.
Last edited:
In the abandoned mini-golf course, it is said that you can hear blood-curdling screams in the night. Some say that it the screams of rage of all the people who have lost their games (or golf balls), others say that there is a mysterious creature that lives beyond the turf. Legend says that this mysterious creature curses everyone who enters the mini-golf, causing them to hallucinate and lose their minds (especially when they lose a game of mini-golf).

My house borders onto a mini-golf course, so I took it over our fence 🤣

Within the Canadian wilderness, there are claims of a mythical moose covered in maple syrup. He was a regular moose for a long time, until one day, a couple of hosers saw the moose and decided it'd be funny to dump their buckets of maple syrup on him. After taking him down and pouring their entire supply of maple syrup on him, the hosers began walking away, laughing. Enraged, the moose got up and treated the hosers to a taste of their own medicine, and from that day forward sought to take revenge on any humans it encountered.

These woods have been one of many locations the moose has been spotted in. Be warned, as spending too long in the wilderness could result in a sweet and sticky doom if the moose knows you're there. The moose has learned to cover its syrupy tracks, but if you smell the familiar scent of syrup being poured on pancakes on a Saturday morning, RUN.


(I had the idea in mind a few days ago, but had to wait until I had some free time to drive to the place I took the pictures at)
Legends say there are ghosts living in the laundry room. Open the doors at their corresponding times (ie: 2:02 AM or 3:01 AM) and… let’s just say you’ll regret doing so. You can sometimes hear the doors creaking through the night.



be careful! watch your step. a step in the wrong direction and you can accidentally
end up in another dimension. one so chilling and lifeless, you'll feel your blood run cold and freeze
you hear a voice call out to you "trick....or....treat..." it grows louder, almost as if it's coming closer