i’ve already briefly talked about this in the “ask the below user a question!” thread, but the biggest lesson that i unfortunately learned too late (and only fairly recently) is how important taking care of your teeth truly is.
though, i wouldn’t necessarily say that i learned this lesson too
late as i still have most of my teeth, and i plan on doing everything i can to prevent this from ever happening again or getting any worse… but it still sucks that i had to learn that my teeth aren’t as invincible as i thought they were the way i did lol.
my immediate family’s dental genetics aren’t the greatest. my grandmother (my mom’s mom) and my mother both had two sets of dentures by the time they were in their late 20’s, and my dad’s teeth are in the process of practically rotting out of his head. for years, i was the only one in my household who had decent teeth, but i of course wasn’t taking care of them the way i should’ve been. my grandmother and mother tried to change that by warning me about how painful toothaches are, how they can’t eat certain foods they love (ex. peanuts) because of their dentures, etc, but i never really listened to them or took them seriously. their warnings scared me, but not enough for me to actually change, y’know? it got to the point that i was even
cocky about it at times, like i really thought i was built different or something.
i managed to scrape by for years by doing the bare minimum for my teeth. i would brush 1 time a day, sometimes twice, and occasionally use mouthwash and floss. my teeth weren’t in good shape by any means, and i always had way too many cavities whenever i went to the dentist (which was almost never), but nothing hurt or was rotting. my dental health got really bad once the pandemic started, though. between not having to be around people (which has always been my biggest motivation to properly take care of myself), my mother getting sick, being stuck in an angry, toxic household and my overall worsening mental health, i stopped taking care of my teeth completely. i think a lot of it had to do with my depression and how i can barely convince myself to get out of bed most days, let alone brush my teeth, but a lot of it had to do with the fact i feel like i’ve made so many mistakes in my life that it’s already over and worthless, and that i don’t deserve to take care of myself or be in good health as well. the rest of it was honestly just sheer laziness and stupidity.
i’m only 20 years old, and yet i’ve already lost all of my wisdom teeth plus a few regular adult teeth. i also have 20+ fillings and root canals waiting for me in the future once i can afford them. i’m currently recovering from losing my wisdom and 3 adult teeth (i lost the 4th a few months ago), and it… sucks lol. it’s embarrassing and downright disgusting that i allowed things to get this bad, and a part of me wants to just give up entirely because of how ashamed i am, but i refuse to let this lesson and all of this pain be for nothing. i may not be able to undo the damage that i’ve done completely aside from getting the treatments that i need, but i can definitely do everything in my power to prevent it from getting any worse or happening again. i’ve made a promise to both myself and my mother to take much,
much better care of my teeth, and that even on my worst days where i can barely get out of bed, i’ll still do so just to take care of my teeth. this is a lesson i only needed to learn once, and i’m determined to do better from now on.