Let me draw that for you...


lol I really suck

phail yew can barely understand my writing >:p

Teh coffeh
'Pwn powerz'
Nub saying yer so mean
and i called it: LIKE ZOMG XD

lolz and link its 'pwning' xD
coffeebean! said:
Yes but it is an epic typo xDDD
[thats why I still use b00blet xD]
Let's not stray off topic and turn this into another chat-thread-of-spamtastic-failure, alrigiht?

*pushes thread back on track*

Don't worry, I'm still waiting for the Frollo picture. <3
Stop it, coffeebean and Link. Just...just stop right here.

There's no need for another spam thread. And after this post, I'm done posting here.

...So don't be stupid.
Nevuh. I'm keeping mah smexay avvie and sig. [I already have people wanting it *nubs* but I *licks* it. XD
Let's keep the chatting down and the discussion about the drawings up since that's the actual topic.
coffeebean! said:
Nevuh. I'm keeping mah smexay avvie and sig. [I already have people wanting it *nubs* but I *licks* it. XD
Nao I'mma sad.

I'd love it if someone respected something I did.
Cryindarkness, that's my beautiful and skillful rendition of a cardboard box... Also, no Frollo!... Also-Also, I don't feel like drawing right now... Later... >.>;;