Let's just discuss these crows (and other animals too)

I love that Carlo has a beard straight on his feathers. It kind of looks like the colored throats many birds have, which is clever.
They seem to look more like pigeons with their under neck fluff but who knows.anyways they're super adorbs!
I thought they were penguins too lol

They look cool. I was wondering if they would introduce any new NPCs in the game, so I was glad to see them.

I thought they were penguins too! Lol I think its because their beaks are short and yellow (they should be long and black). and their clothes look like a white penguin belly. they're cute though in a weird funny way
They're not crows, nor penguins. They're Eurasian Blackbirds (Turdus merula) which are coincidentally found in Italy. This works well since they have Italian names.
They're not crows, nor penguins. They're Eurasian Blackbirds (Turdus merula) which are coincidentally found in Italy. This works well since they have Italian names.

I admire the idea but not much suggesting that. Eurasian blackbirds are found in many countries. No orange eye ring characteristic of these birds.

I'd say more likely to be starlings, if you want to think of a bird found in Italy.
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