Let's take a moment to appreciate the beautiful lighting in this game


On Indefinite Hiatus
Apr 20, 2017
This is actually something I noticed the minute I started playing and I love it. I always thought it was so interesting how the trees in the background get darker and lighter as you move away from them or get closer.

Observe the trees on the other side of my river

When they released the first trailer for the game the lighting amazed me so much. I love now atmospheric it is. My favourite time will always be sunset, the whole island glows golden.
I have to agree, Nintendo did a very good job with the lighting in this game, especially at sunrise and sunset!
It blows me away every time!! My favourite time of the day to play is sunset, but it's also when I have to cook dinner for the family, so I always miss it :(

I love it when it rains and there's sun at the same time, but I've yet to see my first rainbow.
even after a whole year of gameplay, i’m still so in awe of the lighting and the graphics! for everything that nintendo may have gotten wrong, they certainly got this right. 🤩
Sunsets and the lightning storms are my absolute favorite!
I’m still in awe of all the graphics and details Nintendo put into this game. All the cool details within the lighting make this game so much better of an experience for me.
I love everything about this game's graphics. Despite the cartoon graphics, it looks absolutely gorgeous. Sometimes I turn off the lights in my house to see how well the lighting from the lamps shine against certain objects and the flooring :)
It's great going in bug exhibit at different times of day too, particularly the butterfly room.