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Let's talk about puberty! (Boy or Girls)

Does anyone know when you stop getting periods? My friend said 50, but I don't know, and would like to know.
If so, geez, that's 40 years(or less, depending if you decide to get pregnant) of blood flowing out of your body.

40 years or less isn't true. My friend is 12 and his mother is 53, while his father is 65.
Which means they had him when his mom was 41(weird I know.) I thought women stop getting periods at 50 something because
women can't reproduce anymore due to old age? Also the more children a woman gives birth to, the more risk of her actually dying,
So I guesd that is why it stops there.
It made my voice deeper buuuuuuuuuuuuuuutt(<- haha I said butt :p) it made my voice sound weird with certain pitches.
Meh. I'm 17, went through all the puberty stuff 4 years ago... It was the happiest time of my life! :D and by saying that I mean the most horrendous time of my life.

While we're talking about periods, I must be a very small minority, because they honestly don't cause me to have much mood swings or anything. I mean, I'll be on edge but not to the post where if someone breaths by me I snap.
i need it so i grow taller and my voice is deeper!!!! it must come soon!
Dang that must have been some serious pain, lol.
The worst pain I've ever had was in my back.
I get them sometimes now, but not as much.

It literally feels like someone took a freshly sharpened knife and jammed in your back.
Be thankful you never have to experience it. :c

YES, OMG. I get this pain in my lower back and butt area and it feels like I broke my tailbone. It hurts too much when I sit down so I have to stand up and walk around. Worse part is, is that it comes randomly so it could be in the middle of class and I'm dying. It hasn't happened since HS, so I guess it went away with age. lol
40 years or less isn't true. My friend is 12 and his mother is 53, while his father is 65.
Which means they had him when his mom was 41(weird I know.) I thought women stop getting periods at 50 something because
women can't reproduce anymore due to old age? Also the more children a woman gives birth to, the more risk of her actually dying,
So I guesd that is why it stops there.

No, what they meant was that a woman has their period for about 40 years, which is essentially true. It's not about their age, but about the period of time their...periods last.

Unlike men, women are born with a certain amount of eggs. With one leaving around every month or so, eventually they run out, and periods stop.

On the mood swings and PMS issue: These are actually far less common than people think. True PMS is rare. What really happens to most women is foul moods thanks to being in pain frequently, which would upset anyone. Cramps are like being punched in the uterus, and having a giant uterus-sized bruise left behind that likes to scream "HELLO I AM HERE" more often than one would like.
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Sometimes I feel like I'm having a period but there's not blood or anything it's just weird slimy idk o-o

That's just discharge, I'm pretty it's normal ^^ You can wear panty liners so your underwear doesn't get too dirty because of it/cold wet feelings
I was a early um. bloomer (idk if I used the right word. Heh), the first period was unnerving, and sadly enough I didn't get big boobs :B

Still, I never got acne. /distant yey in background//
That's just discharge, I'm pretty it's normal ^^ You can wear panty liners so your underwear doesn't get too dirty because of it/cold wet feelings

This is the worst part about being female, IMO. I wouldn't really recommend disposable liners for daily use though, as they don't breathe too well and your bits need air!
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I wasn't a particularly early bloomer, but it all started relatively early for me and was absolutely horrible! I used to have a week off of school each month because of my periods and they were very irregular (I had two a month a few times...) so I started on the pill (both for the whole sex reason but also because people said it helped with periods) and they helped so much- my period is lighter and I know exactly when it will start. So for any girls struggling with their periods I'd recommend thinking about starting on the pill.
Uggghh I hate puberty. I've gone all emotionally hormonal and I cry over the stupidest things and get really angry over stupid things too. My Mum reckons I'll be in my period soon and I'm like 'pls no'
That's all I'm going to say because I get pretty awkward and embarrassed about this subject :3
Ugh this is a game forum, why is everyone talking about sexual stuff all of a sudden.
Ugh this is a game forum, why is everyone talking about sexual stuff all of a sudden.

my thoughts exactly

but to the topic itself, i honestly never felt a sudden change to my body. i dont even remember how my voice deepened o.o
Well, it is the non-gaming section of the gaming forum.

That aside, I'm glad I was born a girl, even if I do have to deal with the uterus punches.
Ugh this is a game forum, why is everyone talking about sexual stuff all of a sudden.

Inr? ._. Lol
All I know is im a girl and I have everything a girl should have on her body o.o
wish my boobs were bigger tho LOL
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Ugh this is a game forum, why is everyone talking about sexual stuff all of a sudden.

Because sometimes it's easier to talk about things behind a computer screen then with your friends to avoid so much embarassment. It's a good thing to teach the younger ones on here things their friends won't know the answer to. There's a lot of older members on this thread and since the only older people a lot of members on here probably know is their family members maybe they feel more comfortable talking about this stuff more.

Plus going by that logic you should ask why Brewster's cafe is even here all together since it's about general stuff and this counts as general stuff.

Great thread by the way. It feels like years since I went through puberty but if anyone has any questions I'll try to remember the answers as much as I can. lol
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Awkward. Just awkward. I hit it when I was like 9, but it didn't hit very hard. Well, not until I was 12. Now I am 13, (14 in less than a month) I am like 6 feet tall and am the second tallest in my grade. I looked like a totally different kid a year ago. My baby face went away, I had to start shaving, my voice became the deepest out of all of my friends... I am taller than all of my family. My 18 year old brother, my dad and my mom.

I grew so fast, that it still didn't grow into my body. I became (and still am, although it's a bit better) very uncoordinated.

On the contrary, my best friend is older than I am, he turned 14 in November while I will turn 14 in May. He is probably 5' 2" or so, and talking to him in the hallway is a little odd sometimes, if it is something he doesn't want others to hear, I have to lean down to hear him talk softly xD. When I randomly hear his voice I think it is some random 11 year old or something, until I look.

Now, the worst of it all is random boners. Oh how awkward they are. Probably my biggest gripe about puberty. My strong teacher last year yanked me out of my chair as he was getting pretty into the lesson, and used me as an example for something. Pretty sure you can tell what happened next. It sucked! They most of the time are 100% unprovoked, and you can't do anything but think about something else and hope you won't need to stand up for several minutes. Terrifying.

Still glad I don't get periods though. Feel bad for women, that is something that really would suck. :(