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Leveling up via Requests / Prettier than Squashed Bananas


Senior Member
Jan 29, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Zipper Sakura
Spring Sakura
Easter Egg
Dark Easter Egg
I am looking to draw art!

Yee yip surprise never would have guessed

Anyways, I am trying to get better, and I am looking to complete requests to give consistent practice! Kinda like leveling up by completing quests.

Unlike my last thread, I am going to implement a new system: payment! Ewwwww grossss nooooo.
But it's not about the money, really. That's just to keep me motivated. Here's how it'll work:

You pay me on a sliding scale based on how well you think I matched your criteria. You'll tell me how you think I did, and pay me accordingly. I'll give you a sort of basic structure, but you can mess with it as you want.

It's kinda like grades but better.

So here's the part you're more interested in:




Reset Small.jpg


Gaston Text.jpg


Fireflies Edited JPG Small.jpg

[ink wash]

Dino Small.jpg


Legendaries Smaller.jpg


Commission Info

I am looking for commissions!

You may post if interested. The next time I have time, I'll browse through the requests and choose which one(s) I think will fit. I will let you know if/when I am taking it on!

I aim to get 1-2 done in a week...? But sometimes life says "lol nope." It strongly varies!

I will accept a limited number of requests at a time, and I'll limit it to one picture per person till I finish whatever I am working on.

You may request content, composition, content, and materials - and I may or may not use them! I'll probably try to. But I also might be creative and come back with something ridiculous. You never know.

And you may request anything for that one picture! Your villager and mayor hugging after reuniting, a shark/human/dinosaur hybrid eating a manta ray/unicorn, all 151 Pokemon composed in coffee grinds. Ideally, I'll figure it out. However, I might go: "ew gross no cooties! Here's a drawing of those two living on different continents" or "Here's a picture of Pikachu with 2 apple slices." You are free to display any displeasure in the coinciding payment/commentary.

So basically I'll try. But I'm a novice artist and please expect accordingly.

I will tell you if I am taking on the commission, and I will do with it as I see fit. Upon completing it, you will pay me on a sliding scale based on well you thought I did, and yes - I'd like to hear you explain why you're giving me that! You're allowed to say you didn't like it, were disappointed, or wanted better - these are practices, and I won't always do well as I'm learning! I want to hear what was successful and what wasn't, and trust me - I will be glad to hear your criticism! I will probably thank you!

The sliding scale of payment is 1-101 BTB, for the following categories:

0-1 BTB: Completion.
1 BTB: You did the commision.
Good job!
0 BTB: You did not do the commission.
I'm not paying you for nothing!

0-40 BTB: Style and Design
Example of a 40 BTB
This is basically Van Gogh like OMG are you secretly Walt Disney as a girl I'm flipping out cause I've met a genius am I being punked
Example of a 20 BTB
Overall I like it, but the style is inconsistent among the different characters. And I can't tell what is happening in the corner - I think you might have spilled some paint and just made it into a bush. But it's still nice-looking.
Example of a 0 BTB
This looks like a squashed banana but not in a pretty way. Like a dumb squashed banana.

0-25: Commission Relevance
Example of a 25 BTB
I asked you for a picture of my mayor and Lobo fishing on a bridge and you sent me a photograph of th- how??
Example of a 0 BTB
I asked you for a picture of my mayor and Lobo fishing on a bridge, and I think this is a picture of a squashed banana?

0-25 BTB: [H]Art and Soul
Example of a 25 BTB
I am crying this is Bernini's St. Theresa and Urasawa's Pluto but with video games my soul will be forever touched by this message life is beautiful you are beautiful I am still crying
Example of a 0 BTB
...Does this... mean something? Maybe this little piece in the corner represents... commercialism...or a heart?

0-10 BTB: Punctuality
Example of a 10 BTB
Wh- I hadn't even finished posting this yet!
Example of a 0 BTB
...I asked for this 2 years ago...?

So as you can see - I do not expect 101 BTB! I'm hoping for a consistent 40-50BTB (And it's fine if you don't think I meet that!) These are practices, and you, as my practice commissioner, get a say!

Materials I use often:
Pen, ink, pencils, digital

Materials I rarely use:
Washes, paints, markers, and color in general

Materials I want to learn to use better:
Washes, some color, digital (especially MS Paint/non-Photoshop programs)

Content I love to do:
Environments, story and text, animals / creatures

Content I am trying to avoid:
Humans, static character shots, specific stylization

Content I need to learn to do better:
Humans (blech), stronger character design in general, movement in a space

Current Active Goal:
Learning to stylize characters / environments in a recognizable format (will be trying to copy classic artists and utilize their design skills in my own way). Feel free to comment on this in your critique!

FDC 500.jpg

FlamDawg Disco for Pokemanz

That will just let you know what to expect.

If you are interested in a piece, huzzah! Please just comment below and I will get to you when I can :~)

Commissions I am actively working on:
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Reference : [x]
Please draw my OC Cherry and Vrinda (not together in one picture).
How's 50 BTB? :)
Thank you so much~! ❀ <3
Looks interesting~ Just asking, but if I were to order, would you want me to give specifics on poses and stuff, or would you prefer to come up with your own stuff? Also, is it limited to one character per picture? :>
Ah! - maybe - but did you read the post?

Ah, sorry! I'm a bit confused! for the composition, materials, etc., you can do whatever you want. :) I'd prefer digital art or watercolors, though. Sorry again!
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I love the way you're doing this omg. Your commentary is hilarious. I dont actually HAVE any TBT but if I did I'd probably commision you just because you seem rad (and ur art is so cool)
Looks interesting~ Just asking, but if I were to order, would you want me to give specifics on poses and stuff, or would you prefer to come up with your own stuff? Also, is it limited to one character per picture? :>

Ideally: You're free to request anything, and ideally, I'll figure it out.

Realistically: no guarantees. The way I'd been doing it on my old thread was that you may request whatever desired, and I would fulfill the request as I saw fit. However, since these are paid commissions, I want to keep it closer to the original expectations. That creative challenge is why I wanted to do payment. However, I'm very new as an artist so I wanted to be clear that I might not always fulfill criteria exactly!

Sorry that that wasn't clear! I'll try to reword it.

So in summary: I'll try it. If I just can't come up with something good, I'll flex my creative muscles and do something in the same vein!

Ah, sorry! I'm a bit confused! for the composition, materials, etc., you can do whatever you want. :) I'd prefer digital art, though. Sorry again!

Ha, you're fine - I tend to be a little wordy and spacey !!

I will try to do digital - I've had little access to a real art tablet in the past, but I now have a smaller one I'm hoping to play with (although my computer cant run Photoshop, so I'm hoping to find a suitable replacement!)
Nagi (x) (x)

Orca (Idate) (x)

Mukuro (x) (x)

Scenario: Either Nagi or Orca hanging out with Mukuro? Preferably in a snowy/icy environment c: Orca probably just (fondly?) tolerates Mukuro, as he just couldn't get rid of her and Mukuro has the tendency to grow on you (like mold XD). Nagi tolerates Mukuro because Orca does, and finds her an okay companion to talk about Orca/hang out with.

Some prompts for you to try to stretch your creativity/try sticking to a requests outlined by someone - you can just ignore this if you want c:
  • Mukuro with her horn stuck up upside-down in the ice, with either Nagi face-palming in the background or Orca walking/swimming (in animal form) away merrily.
  • Nagi and Mukuro spying/stalking Orca - Nagi staring over a bunch of rocks with a pair of binoculars while Mukuro tries to make conversation (and failing).
  • Orca teaching Mukuro how to beat up sharks - take this as you will.
  • Completely up to you :>

I'll come up with more later, if you want.
So I really love this. It's such a creative way to help yourself grow as an artist while also getting feedback and payment! Genius! I'd love to contribute!

Since you said you're more comfortable with animals at the moment, I'll request my animal OC.
His name is FlamDawg Disco, and he can be drawn with clothes or without.
I honestly don't mind if it's drawn on paper or digital. Whatever is easiest for you!

Let me know if you have any questions~
Hopefully I didn't overlook anything lol
I love the way you're doing this omg. Your commentary is hilarious. I dont actually HAVE any TBT but if I did I'd probably commision you just because you seem rad (and ur art is so cool)

Eep thank you !! Aw, it's people like you I knew I'd be sad to lose when I started this new payment system - I love doing freebies and it's not really about the monies! Hopefully I'll figure out a way to open up freebies again :~)

Out of curiousity, how long have you been doing art?

Haaaa, well, I've always loved coloring in color books and doodling in my class notes, but it wasn't until two and a half (?) years ago I started really practicing to get better. I've improved a ton, but I want to get a lot better! I hope to find myself in an artistic career one day!

- - - Post Merge - - -


:~D *smiles sheepishly and slyly* :~D

Nagi (x) (x)

Orca (Idate) (x)

Mukuro (x) (x)

Scenario: Either Nagi or Orca hanging out with Mukuro? Preferably in a snowy/icy environment c: Orca probably just (fondly?) tolerates Mukuro, as he just couldn't get rid of her and Mukuro has the tendency to grow on you (like mold XD). Nagi tolerates Mukuro because Orca does, and finds her an okay companion to talk about Orca/hang out with.

Some prompts for you to try to stretch your creativity/try sticking to a requests outlined by someone - you can just ignore this if you want c:
  • Mukuro with her horn stuck up upside-down in the ice, with either Nagi face-palming in the background or Orca walking/swimming (in animal form) away merrily.
  • Nagi and Mukuro spying/stalking Orca - Nagi staring over a bunch of rocks with a pair of binoculars while Mukuro tries to make conversation (and failing).
  • Orca teaching Mukuro how to beat up sharks - take this as you will.
  • Completely up to you :>

I'll come up with more later, if you want.

Ooooh those are perfect, I love specific scenes :~D I'll brainstorm and try to come back with something cool! And if you come up with anything new /something you're really excited about feel free to lmk !

So I really love this. It's such a creative way to help yourself grow as an artist while also getting feedback and payment! Genius! I'd love to contribute!

Since you said you're more comfortable with animals at the moment, I'll request my animal OC.
His name is FlamDawg Disco, and he can be drawn with clothes or without.
I honestly don't mind if it's drawn on paper or digital. Whatever is easiest for you!

Let me know if you have any questions~
Hopefully I didn't overlook anything lol

I'm excited to see how the system goes over!

And ahhhhhh I like him!! And he's just like an old cartoon in a lot of his pictures - I might reference Looney Tunes / Cartoon Network-style for his design, if that's alright? Do you want him in a specific scene / interaction, or just use my imagination?

And that's a good way of putting it - I'm more comfortable drawings animals. Humans are... you have to get them just right or they really start looking scary! It can get out of control.
hi c:
could you do my mayor with molly, maybe watering flowers or something like that? c:
i hope i unterstood everything right haha

I'm excited to see how the system goes over!

And ahhhhhh I like him!! And he's just like an old cartoon in a lot of his pictures - I might reference Looney Tunes / Cartoon Network-style for his design, if that's alright? Do you want him in a specific scene / interaction, or just use my imagination?

And that's a good way of putting it - I'm more comfortable drawings animals. Humans are... you have to get them just right or they really start looking scary! It can get out of control.

Yeah sure! And the scene is totally up to you! I prefer when artists can have fun with whoever they're drawing. Make him do whatever you want. xD
I'm really excited to see how he turns out~
I've got one for you- do a picture in vector. That's always a tough one to learn but it's really a good thing to know. Maybe do the pokemon Mawile? Eating a sandwich or something I dunno. But do it in vector! b>w<
hi c:
could you do my mayor with molly, maybe watering flowers or something like that? c:
i hope i unterstood everything right haha

That sounds like something I'd be interested in! I already took on 3 new ones tonight, so I'll get back to you once I've made progress on those! But anything involving cats and flowers sounds great :3

I've got one for you- do a picture in vector. That's always a tough one to learn but it's really a good thing to know. Maybe do the pokemon Mawile? Eating a sandwich or something I dunno. But do it in vector! b>w<

Oh my gossssh : you're right that vector is such a good practice, and a great economical skill - but also I'm gonna have to say "nah"!

I've done a few pieces in vector, and not that they turned out badly (I thought two of them were very nice!), it's just that me and vector didn't think on the same wavelength !

If I ever come to my senses and realize I need to practice with my vector skills, I will absolutely do a Mawile eating a sandwich.
Guess I could commission too :D Think you could draw my mayor and beau together? Anything is fine, for example having them holding hands or something c:

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omfg your sweater drawing is uber cute (I love the style it's so unique, but in an I-will-never-be-this-cool way) and jf you're hilarious
good luck with your commissions! I'm trying to save up my BTBs since I'm still collecting my villagers, but I had to say something about your talent and commentary @ v @