Selling Lexie's Poké Outlet! (All 6IVs, Shinies, Competitive, Nicknameable, Items, & More!)

Thanks!! ^^ I see that I'm near the bottom of the list, so let me know when you're ready to trade with me today or tomorrow! :D

I'll try and shoot for today, hun! :blush: Some people can't trade until the weekend anyways!
I'll let you know either way!
Hey Simple! :D Can you update my signature? :)

Replace Bob with Rosie & add a sprite on Zucker! ^^

Let me know how much that'll be!
Sorry, restroom lol. I come back and see "NICE!"

LOL! I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at that. x'D
Thank you, Norski!

I can trade tonight also! Send me a PM!

Alright! I have a couple trades before you, so I'll do my best to trade you tonight! My fiance is coming home really soon from work, so I might have to do the majority of these tomorrow. x~x
*tiny wave* I'm also free tonight if you're up to trading. I can wait as well too! :)
I don't wanna overwhelm, lol! (Eep! Just saw your post. I can wait till tomorrow!)
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No, no, only if it's convenient for you! I was like, "Oh, maybe it would be helpful if she could get my order out of the way!" but if you don't have time, it's 100% totally okay. (Like I said, I should be thesis-writing and not playing Pokemon haha~) :)
*tiny wave* I'm also free tonight if you're up to trading. I can wait as well too! :)
I don't wanna overwhelm, lol! (Eep! Just saw your post. I can wait till tomorrow!)

No, no, only if it's convenient for you! I was like, "Oh, maybe it would be helpful if she could get my order out of the way!" but if you don't have time, it's 100% totally okay. (Like I said, I should be thesis-writing and not playing Pokemon haha~) :)

Aw, you both are too sweet and adorable. :blush:
I'll see! Sometimes he comes home a little later, so I might be able to trade you!
I'll definitely let you both know either way!

Thesis-writing... I don't miss that. LOL!
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Goomy knows Iron Tail.... whats your freaking tail?!
*checks Goomy's backside*

I know I read it, but I didn't expect it pffff.
Goomy knows Iron Tail.... whats your freaking tail?!
*checks Goomy's backside*

I know I read it, but I didn't expect it pffff.

LOL! I remember being thrown off guard too, when I found out through Serebii!
Maybe it uses it's antennas instead. xD
haha I spaced out for a bit playin league, how far along are you on the trading?
LOL! I remember being thrown off guard too, when I found out through Serebii!
Maybe it uses it's antennas instead. xD
IDK how I missed that! I get it with its fully evolved form Goodra, but the other two... Unless they make a tail suddenly out of goo when attacking, I have no idea. I HAVE TAILS BECOMING OUT OF MY FOREHEAD!

IDK how I missed that! I get it with its fully evolved form Goodra, but the other two... Unless they make a tail suddenly out of goo when attacking, I have no idea. I HAVE TAILS BECOMING OUT OF MY FOREHEAD!


Did you just make this? o_o
Or did you find it on the internet?
But yeah it's definitely curious. Unless they are referring to that little nub on their backs as a tail. xD
IDK how I missed that! I get it with its fully evolved form Goodra, but the other two... Unless they make a tail suddenly out of goo when attacking, I have no idea. I HAVE TAILS BECOMING OUT OF MY FOREHEAD!


HAHAHAHA! I honestly don't know. x'DDD
You know what's worse though? Diglet learning Aerial Ace and Elygem learning Steel Wing.
Doesn't. make. any. sense.

Hey, everyone? I need to go. My fiance came home and he had a rough day.
I'll trade everyone tomorrow as long as they're available.
I feel so bad that this keeps prolonging, but it'll be my main and possibly my only goal tomorrow, so it'll get done!
Thank you all so much and this might be my last bump for the night, if so, good night all! :blush: