Selling Lexie's Poké Outlet! (All 6IVs, Shinies, Competitive, Nicknameable, Items, & More!)


I'll resume trading in a moment, I just need to eat a bigger breakfast than before. x~x
Are you on ORAS or XY

I'm on XY, but you can trade me with either.
They're compatible with each other, just not the mega stones. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Are you on ORAS or XY

Karminny, please hurry! I have to run soon. :c

- - - Post Merge - - -

Alright, I'm going to take a break since I've been at this for almost six hours now. Thank you all for being patient and please let me know what are good times for you to trade. I'll be checking periodically throughout the day and will be on at 9PM PST to trade another customer who's been waiting for sure. I'll be on a little bit tomorrow afternoon and evening as well, but my best times to trade are during the weekdays when my fianc? is at work. See you all soon!
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I'm ready to trade when you are Lexie.
Just message me whenever you have the time to do the trade!
I'm bad at checking forums these days. x.x
oh oh oh okay I see >.< nvm that was a stupid question... I totally forgot. Ill see you when youre back on ^.^
Hey Lexie, I'll be on all of today to trade if you can. If not, I'll pm you about times I'm available since I have college during the week and our timezones have a large gap. ^_^

Though this is going on the assumption that my order is ready ^_^"

Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into this shop. It's such a nice thing you do.
In-Game Name: Sharlz
Pokemon: Dratini
Nickname: N/A
Nature & Ability: Don't Mind & Marvel Scale
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: F
Item, if any: Moon Stone
Untouched or EVs: Max EVs
Competitive? If so, what moves: Extreme Speed, Iron Tail, Outrage, Hyper Beam
Total: 40 right?

Pokemon: Buneary
Nickname: N/A
Nature & Ability: Don't Mind & Run Away
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: F
Item, if any: N/a
Untouched or EVs: Max EVs
Competitive? If so, what moves: No
Total= 30

Total = 70 TBT
Good morning, everyone! Thank you for all the bumps! I'm not going to be on too much today, but I'll definitely be available most of tomorrow. However, I'll be trading a few people who've been waiting awhile today!


In-Game Name: Sharlz
Pokemon: Dratini
Nickname: N/A
Nature & Ability: Don't Mind & Marvel Scale
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: F
Item, if any: Moon Stone
Untouched or EVs: Max EVs
Competitive? If so, what moves: Extreme Speed, Iron Tail, Outrage, Hyper Beam
Total: 40 right?

Pokemon: Buneary
Nickname: N/A
Nature & Ability: Don't Mind & Run Away
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: F
Item, if any: N/a
Untouched or EVs: Max EVs
Competitive? If so, what moves: No
Total= 30

Total = 70 TBT

Thank you so much! Do you mind if we trade tomorrow? I'm slightly backed up on orders, but I should be ready by then. I'll be on pretty much all day tomorrow on & off. :blush: