Selling Lexie's Poké Outlet! (All 6IVs, Shinies, Competitive, Nicknameable, Items, & More!)

Good morning, everyone! Thank you for all the bumps! I'm not going to be on too much today, but I'll definitely be available most of tomorrow. However, I'll be trading a few people who've been waiting awhile today!


Thank you so much! Do you mind if we trade tomorrow? I'm slightly backed up on orders, but I should be ready by then. I'll be on pretty much all day tomorrow on & off. :blush:

I think I'll have some time tomorrow. Same time or earlier?
Hi Lexie,

I see that you're online right now, so if you're available to trade, i'd definitely be able to now! :)
I can be one of the ones who wait until tomorrow! ^^
Glad you're okay, and good morning!
Thank you for being so understanding!
It's not rude at all! I'm going to do bi-weekly promotions from now on, just so I don't run out of Pokemon. :blush:
It should be coming out tomorrow.
Oh I see and sweet! I guess I will post my order then... it's quite big. ^^;

In-Game Name: Katy

Pokemon: Gastly
Nickname: Kage
Nature & Ability: Timid & Levitate
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Astonish, and Psywave

Pokemon: Abra
Nickname: Boushi
Nature & Ability: Timid & Magic Guard
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Teleport, Knock Off, Fire Punch, and Thunder Punch (Replace Teleport with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Dratini
Nickname: Ryu
Nature & Ability: Adamant & Marvel Scale
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Wrap, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, and Extreme Speed

Pokemon: Ralts
Nickname: Misaki
Nature & Ability: Modest & Telepathy
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Female
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Growl, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, and Synchronoise (Replace Growl with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Riolu
Nickname: Iki
Nature & Ability: Jolly & Justified
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Quick Attack, Endure, Blaze Kick, and Sky Uppercut

Pokemon: Charmander
Nickname: Kasai
Nature & Ability: Timid & Blaze
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Scratch, Growl, Dragon Pulse, and Dragon Dance (Replace Scratch & Growl with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Charmander
Nickname: Hinote
Nature & Ability: Adamant & Blaze
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Scratch, Growl, Dragon Pulse, and Dragon Dance (Replace Scratch & Growl with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Gible
Nickname: Kuranchi
Nature & Ability: Adamant & Rough Skin
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Tackle, Mud-Shot, Outrage, and Sand Tomb (Replace Tackle with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Squirtle
Nickname: Mizu
Nature & Ability: Modest & Torrent
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Tackle, Aqua Jet, Muddy Water, and Dragon Pulse (Replace Tackle with whatever is good)

I would also like the upcoming new Promotional Pokemon....and maybe another Goomy (female) because this little ball of slime is just so cute like you say <3 Nickname it "Surajji".

Total= 345 tbt bells (+ 10 tbt bells)

Note= And don't forget I am sending my male Ralts back to you to be nicknamed for 10 tbt bells. Nickname him "Shugo"

Now you see why I was waiting to make it easier for you in one order. ^^;
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Hi Lexie. I know you've been super busy but I was wondering if you found out whether you had a japanese Manaphy or not.

This isn't urgent or anything so take your time. <3
Thank you for the orders, check ups, and bumps everyone!
I'll be on a little later... I'm in the middle of an emergency. I'm so sorry. :c
Do you happen to have a competitive Riolu or Lucario with a nature that doesn't hinder Special Attack or Speed?

Okay. I'll send the bells when I'm on too.

I'm so sorry! I completely missed you! There was somewhat of an emergency this morning that I had to give my full attention to, but I'll be here for a few hours on & off and I'll definitely be on tomorrow. My timezone is PST, so just shoot me a VM when you're able to trade and I'll do my best to get on!

Hi Lexie,

I see that you're online right now, so if you're available to trade, i'd definitely be able to now! :)

I'm so sorry, Astro! I missed you too. Oh dear. VM me when you're online again and we'll make this work! I feel so awful.

Oh I see and sweet! I guess I will post my order then... it's quite big. ^^;

In-Game Name: Katy

Pokemon: Gastly
Nickname: Kage
Nature & Ability: Timid & Levitate
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Astonish, and Psywave

Pokemon: Abra
Nickname: Boushi
Nature & Ability: Timid & Magic Guard
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Teleport, Knock Off, Fire Punch, and Thunder Punch (Replace Teleport with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Dratini
Nickname: Ryu
Nature & Ability: Adamant & Marvel Scale
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Wrap, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, and Extreme Speed

Pokemon: Ralts
Nickname: Misaki
Nature & Ability: Modest & Telepathy
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Female
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Growl, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, and Synchronoise (Replace Growl with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Riolu
Nickname: Iki
Nature & Ability: Jolly & Justified
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Quick Attack, Endure, Blaze Kick, and Sky Uppercut

Pokemon: Charmander
Nickname: Hinote
Nature & Ability: Timid & Blaze
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Scratch, Growl, Dragon Pulse, and Dragon Dance (Replace Scratch & Growl with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Gible
Nickname: Kuranchi
Nature & Ability: Adamant & Rough Skin
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Tackle, Mud-Shot, Outrage, and Sand Tomb (Replace Tackle with whatever is good)

Pokemon: Squirtle
Nickname: Mizu
Nature & Ability: Modest & Torrent
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Tackle, Aqua Jet, Muddy Water, and Dragon Pulse (Replace Tackle with whatever is good)

I would also like the upcoming new Promotional Pokemon....and maybe another Goomy (female) because this little ball of slime is just so cute like you say <3 Nickname it "Surajji".

Total= 310 tbt bells (+ 10 tbt bells)

Note= And don't forget I am sending my male Ralts back to you to be nicknamed for 10 tbt bells. Nickname him "Shugo"

Now you see why I was waiting to make it easier for you in one order. ^^;

Hahaha, wow! Thank you so much, hun! :blush:
I'll definitely message you when I'm able to trade and nickname your Pokemon! I'm trying to trade older orders first, but since you're only ordering untouched Pokemon, it'll probably be tomorrow. I'll let you know!

Bumpidy bump bump! ^^

Oohhh! Could I reserve a promotional pokemon as well? ^^ Thanks Lexie!

Of course! Thank you and Chibi for reminding me! I'll have to think of which one to put up tonight! c;

Hi Lexie. I know you've been super busy but I was wondering if you found out whether you had a japanese Manaphy or not.

This isn't urgent or anything so take your time. <3

Oh shoot! Yes, I'll go look and see! I completely forgot since I didn't write it down, but I'll let you know tonight! Thank you for being so patient with me!

Do you happen to have a competitive Riolu or Lucario with a nature that doesn't hinder Special Attack or Speed?

I have a 6IV Hasty & Naive Riolu! I would have to level and train them, but that wouldn't take any time at all. Maybe a day or two. Let me know if you're interested and I'll start working on them with whatever EV-spread and movepool that you'd like! :blush:
bump again bc omg lexie when are you closing???

Teehee, I already messaged you this but for anyone who's curious:

I've decided against closing. I'm staying open! I'm just going to create a wait list and not devote all my time to TBT. I'm just learning how to manage my time better, so I have a productive day and still be able to have a lot of free time, that's all. Thank you for being so sweet. <3
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Sorry, I vm'ed you after bc I know that its a great bump, ((as you don't like to bump your own thread)) shh