In-Game Name: Yato
Pokemon: Altaria // Gallade
Nickname: None
Nature & Ability: Modest & Natural Cure // Jolly & Justified
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: F // M
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: HP 4 SpAtk 252 Spe 252 // HP 4 Atk 252 Spe 252
Competitive? If so, what moves: Hyper Voice, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Roost // Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Protect
Total= 65 + 65 (-10) = 120 BTB
If I may say, your shop is amazing.
Can I get the Lopunny mega stone
In-Game Name: Darren
Pokemon: Chimchar
Nickname: Son Goku
Nature & Ability:Naive & Iron Fist
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Flare Blitz, Thunder Punch
ign: cesia
pokemon: corsola
nickname: Cindy
nature & ability: careful & regenerator
shiny: shiny
gender: female
item, if any: nope <3
untouched or evs: 252 hp / 4 atk / 252 spd
moves: i want her to have these moves (icicle spear, power gem, aqua ring, bubble beam), but not level 100? so idk ;;
in a love ball, if possible?
total= 65btbs
In-Game Name: Lindsey
Pokemon: Riolu
Nickname: None (just keep it Riolu)
Nature & Ability: Hasty & Inner Focus
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: Male
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Total= 20 BTB, correct?
In-Game Name: *Speedy*
Pokemon: Ferroseed
Nickname: PicoDeGallo
Nature & Ability: Relaxed nature, Iron Barbs
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves:
Total= idk, also can it be 5IV without the speed![]()
Hey Ladybonkers, I was wondering if I could add another Charmander to my order?
EDIT: I've edited my previous order with him added.
In-Game Name: Anne
Pokemon: Rotom
Nickname: Ohm
Nature & Ability: Timid & Levitate
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Genderless
Item, if any: N/A
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: N/A
Total= 45
In-Game Name: Anne
Pokemon: Mareep
Nickname: Ampere
Nature & Ability: Modest & Static
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: Female
Item, if any: N/A
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: N/A
Total= 20
In-Game Name: Anne
Pokemon: Magnemite
Nickname: Volt
Nature & Ability: Modest & Analytic
Regular or Shiny: Regular
Gender: Genderless
Item, if any: N/A
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: N/A
Total= 20
In all it would be 85 TBT. c:
OHHH MY GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT MY ORDER ;-; But, either way, I can trade whenever you're online![]()
Hi Lexie. I know you've been super busy but I was wondering if you found out whether you had a japanese Manaphy or not.
This isn't urgent or anything so take your time. <3
Omg that gif is so cool, whats it from? ((like a movie or episode...))
Bumpidy bump! x)