Selling Lexie's Poké Outlet! (All 6IVs, Shinies, Competitive, Nicknameable, Items, & More!)

ign: cesia
pokemon: corsola
nickname: Cindy
nature & ability: careful & regenerator
shiny: shiny
gender: female
item, if any: nope <3
untouched or evs: 252 hp / 4 atk / 252 spd
moves: i want her to have these moves (icicle spear, power gem, aqua ring, bubble beam), but not level 100? so idk ;;
in a love ball, if possible?

total= 65btbs
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Hi all. ;~; Thank you so much, oh my goodness, thank you for bumping!

I completely forgot that it was my dad's birthday, so I've been up in my hometown for the past few days. I'm going to be able to trade people starting tomorrow morning and hopefully all will go well. I even forgot to add the promotional Pokemon, ack! I'll add the freebie and answer anyone who's ordered anything at around... 5pm PST from now. I'm so so so sorry! Thank you for your patience!
In-Game Name: Darren
Pokemon: Chimchar
Nickname: Son Goku
Nature & Ability:Naive & Iron Fist
Regular or Shiny: Shiny
Gender: Male
Item, if any: None
Untouched or EVs: Untouched
Competitive? If so, what moves: Flare Blitz, Thunder Punch