Life now {Roleplay}

Chihaya scares me as she sneaks up behind me, and I jump. I turn around. "Oh, um, sure..."
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"How so" i say to fox girl just then I notice that Chihaya and marie are gone "of course" I say to myself
"Oh, it's nothing." I looked down "Don't worry about it Marie.." I then got frustrated. I grabbed Marie by her waist and started spinning her around and then carried her back to where everyone else was at. Noticing I just stole a great moment I smiled and said "Hey everyone"
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"We'll be fine here. Who knows what's on this other planet? What if there's no oxygen?" She frowned.
"For starter we will not be fine here, whe world is gonna end, and secondly, i have tested this portal, there is oxagen" I conter argue
"Um, sorry, I shouldn't have done that..." I mutter, trying to summon the courage to look at her as she practically carries me back inside. "Kiss you, I mean, it was a mistake. Wait, no, that's not what I mean, it was a mistake that it was a dare, not that I kissed you, um... I think I'm just confusing myself..."
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Holo frowned with annoyance and her teeth began to bare. "Whatever then. I'm going to get food." She quickly transformed into a huge wolf and then ran out of the church in search for something to eat.


wolf yea wolf
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I run back to the church. I notice a portal and the other kid asking people to go through a portal. So, I shove him in.
"Sweetums just shut it. It's alright. Wait, did I just call you sweetums.. Um sorry." I drop Marie and just stared at her on the ground.
Holo managed to break back into that store and ate lots of food. When she was done, she returned to the church and squeezed back through the door, remaining in wolf form. She decided to lay down where there was space.
Did I hear that right? Did she call me sweetums before she dropped me? I wonder, staring up at her without getting up.
Holo watched everybody talking as she quietly nodded off to sleep, still in the form of a giant wolf.
"Well, were going in first thing tomorrow" i say to myself just then I see Chihaya and Marie staring at each other, i walk up and say" is this a staring contest?"