Life now {Roleplay}

"I'm sure we can find a use for your gift, would you two help me test something? It it works I think it will prove to be rather useful"
"Well then, we need to get you a weapon, just in case"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I'm sure we can find a use for your gift, would you two help me test something? It it works I think it will prove to be rather useful"

"the dagger will help, but since you have experience with a dagger, a sword might be a good wepon to train you in"
"If I put my hand on one of your shoulders or something then the other touch both of us and see if their hand can go through"
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"That sound interesting, and it will definatly benafit us" I say to Jane

"Actuly, i found a sword when I was looking for pumpkins" I say, handing it to Marie
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"Thanks," I say, taking the sword. I wonder briefly where he found it.

"Why don't you touch my shoulder then, and Riley can test to see if it works?"
Just then a figure walks through the door and glares at Marie

(Three guesses who It is, I'll give you a clue he's from Marie's past, and hates her)