Life now {Roleplay}

"Few it worked, but I agree that was rather violent. Can I help you train Marie? I used to fence so I'm ok with a sword and Riley you just saved the world, you deserve a rest"
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I stare at the figure in the doorway glaring at me. He looks familiar, but I can't quite get his name.

(I seriously can't remember the name xD I assume it's the guy who I said hated me in truth or dare? I think I found it. Jacob?)
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I stare at the figure in the doorway glaring at me. He looks familiar, but I can't quite get his name.

(I seriously can't remember the name xD I assume it's the guy who I said hated me in truth or dare?)

(yep, It's Jacob, I wanted him to be a character since I heard of him, so I'm also gonna be him for a while, also I'm making him really homophobic, lastly how do you change texts colour?)

Bold = Jacob

Oh, hi Marie, I say sarcasticly

"Who are you" I ask
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(See where it says size, next to that there's a drop-down with just an 'A' on it. Click that and choose a colour)
I think it begins with a J... James? No...
"Jacob!" I say when I eventually get it.
I stare at the croud in front of me, there's Marie, a pumpkin person and another girl all staring at me "What" I say, violently, "oh, did you forget me, you know, after you STOLE MY GIRLFRIEND" I spat at Marie
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"What are you doing here? I thought the virus, well, you know... And are you still going on about that? She was gay, you wouldn't have had a chance even if I didn't ask her out."
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I keep staring, getting ready to use my new found phase ability just in case. I whisper to Riley "he may have a power to, be careful*
"Ha, no virus is gonna kill me, In fact, it gave me the power to shoot energy, Girlfriend stealer"

"So you got powers too" i say trying to sound as cheerful, but I really hated this guy, I remember him from the game of T or D
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I put a hand on both Riley and Marie's backs, "I'm not taking any chances with this guy" I whisper
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"Technically I didn't steal your girlfriend, you still hadn't asked her out. And she was gay, you wouldn't have had a chance anyway."
(lol okay)

I see that Marie isn't with me so I go inside the church. "What happened?! And who is this?"
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"Who's this" I say, she your new girlfriend, did you get her after you stole mine

(Man I love being Jacob)
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