Life Updates

i'm auditioning for my school's studio art class soon ! a few art teachers recommended me for it, so i was sent a flyer for the meeting and i'm super excited šŸ˜Š
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I will try harder starting today.

(I know this is vague but that doesn't matter. I got my motivation back from where I lost it due to severe anxiety and exhaustion, but starting today I. Will. Try. Harder. I know I will fall again and have to pick myself up again somewhere in this process, so I didn't want to go into detail because many ways lead to Rome and if I "fail" one way I tend to get awfully frightened of failing and even trying again. But I won't let that happen again, I will do it, I will try my best. And I just wanted to have this black on white somewhere.)
heyo just answering this one to say you got this!! i've been setting a lot of goals and making changes in my lifestyle and tell you what, it's not easy. but its refreshing and it continues brings me joy. i dunno if we've ever talked before but i really relate to your post and i want to tell you that i believe in you!! everything begins with one small change, take your timešŸ’›
I was made an interesting offer today and now I have to make a decision. I am really not sure what to do. I have worked at the same store for almost 7 years. The only real problem with where I am now is the drive. It can take 20 minutes to an hour to get there. I was offered the same position I have now but at a store thatā€™s only 7 minutes from my house.I like my current manager but also like the one I met today. One of my friends that I used to work with works at the store I would be transferring to if I left. I feel guilty leaving the store Iā€™m at now. I had already been thinking about trying to get closer. Having been in yesterday mornings traffic nightmare makes me want to move to a closer store. Would it be wrong to transfer to a closer store? I would miss the people I work with now but know some of the people in the other store.
At the moment Iā€™m trying my best to adapt to college life. After taking a gap year I have completely forgotten how to schedule my day around schoolwork. My grades have been pretty good, but itā€™s a struggle. If youā€™re in school right now remember to never do anything at the last second. The stress youā€™ll feel both before and during the assignment will make you regret your life choices.
i have a zoom interview in an hour and a phone interview tomorrow! im nervous, but relieved that i may have a job again soon. im really hoping for the position with tomorrows company over today, but im just grateful to have some hope haha. looking for remote jobs is really intense! thousands of applicants for jobs that most often have just a couple positions.. its grueling. tomorrows company is a really big phone service provider and ive passed a few hurdles already to get an interview so im really hopeful for that position šŸ„ŗ if i get it i could end up making enough money and have enough stability to possibly look for houses when my current lease is up T-T. even if i dont have enough to offer on a house, i would be able to afford a better apartment complex and i could start buying myself some fun things, better foods, and more clothes. i dont think ive bought many clothes since high school or earlier, and im 25 lol (aside from some business clothes for a few jobs ive had).

also, i exercised twice this week so far! im so proud of myself :3 i never had a habit of exercise growing up (aside from sports), but the past 2 years has my body really started to suffer from that, so im glad im finally starting to build better habits for myself. i cant wait to fit into most of my pants and shorts again!
I made some progress today with finding a new primary care facility. When I tried schedule an appointment to look into getting prescribed an anxiety medication, I found out my regular doctor had retired. It had been too long since my last visit, so I was considered a new patient and they weren't taking new patients. Oops.

So I've spent the last few weeks struggling to find a new doctor that was accepting new patients and took my insurance. Today I finally contacted a facility and they said they could take me. I just have to submit some new patient paperwork before I can schedule my first appointment. I'm going to try to get that done tomorrow.
I'm about to have a new job that pays twice what I'm earning now (my current job pays $13/hr and this new one pays $25/hr), is work from home, and full-time. I'm so excited. This will also allow me to easily go to martial arts three days a week. I'm so ready to get closer to having my black belt in both Karate and Aikido. I'll also be able to pay for things more easily, including my student loans, and I'll also get closer to having a place of my own. I'm still in shock about everything, but after trying again and again for two years, I'm glad I finally got something. #NeverGiveUp
guess I need to schedule a sooner appt with my doctor, because even though this higher dose of anti-depressant helped for like 2 days I'm back to being super depressed and it seems to keep getting worse (I'm honestly having a difficult time taking care of myself and it really sucks).
I wish I didn't have to deal with this, on top of everything else. it's too much for me to handle.

but in better news I'm absolutely loving my new Wacom tablet and I'm still enjoying playing Animal Forest e+. and as always my mom and my dog are here to give me a sense of purpose and hope, not much keeps me going but they (and video games lol) definitely do.
Iā€™m staying with one of my moms in rural Oregon for two weeks. Iā€™m still attending zoom classes like always, but now I have sunnier weather. Like Iā€™ve said in the past I have a lot of trauma associated with that town. I canā€™t leave the house without running into my high school bullies (and they always call me profane names). Thanks to my strong medication itā€™s much more tolerable. I donā€™t feel anything too strongly. Iā€™m continuing my daily brisk walks. Doing 2.5 - 6 miles a day makes a huge difference. The stress from college just floats away.
Nothing much as been going on in my life lately. Due to the pandemic, my dad and I have not been able to get my stuff done that I need done (getting my State ID, getting my disability, going to the doctor for my NF proof paper, getting into my programs). I am hoping we get to these soon. I need to do some productive stuff and make some friends in this town finally.

I was finally able to get my two vaccine doses this passed September, so that's something. :)

And not only the pandemic, but my dad and my brother had things they needed to get done too, and they wanted to get all of that done before turning their attention to my stuff, which is understandable -- that way my dad and my brother's things will not be in the way when my things are being taken care of.

One notable thing that happened this passed Summer (not for me, but for someone else) was my brother getting his driver's license and first car.
My dad also got exercise equipment just a few months ago,
and got a drum set last month in January.

So, slowly, but surely...things are moving along for my household. :,)
CW: talks about medical stuff


My latest life update is that I broke my leg (right midshaft fibula). It was honestly like a freak accident. I was at work walking along putting something away. My foot slipped on some loose gravel, I twisted my ankle and landed on my leg awkwardly. I spent a few hours in the emergency department waiting. Finally got seen and got it x-rayed and they told me it was broken. Myself and everyone at work thought it would be a sprain. Thinking back though, I literally couldn't feel or use my leg after it happened and I almost blacked out with pain lol.

I'm now on day 8 of my hospital stay. I was admitted to hospital so they could make sure that I rest and elevate my leg to get the swelling down. I'm waiting for a spot to open so I can be operated on as the broken bone is misaligned. Emergency operations and other things have been taking priority over my operation, so I keep getting pushed down the list. They have to do the operation this week otherwise they'll miss the ideal time frame to complete the surgery. My patience has ran out with the doctors here. Luckily all the nurses are fantastic.

It really makes you realize what you take for granted. It also makes you realize who is really there for you and who isn't. My workmates have been really incredible. Like going so far above and beyond for me. I really have no words for how much they've done for me. Whereas some other people in my life have missed the mark.

It sure has been an experience :')
I was made an interesting offer today and now I have to make a decision. I am really not sure what to do. I have worked at the same store for almost 7 years. The only real problem with where I am now is the drive. It can take 20 minutes to an hour to get there. I was offered the same position I have now but at a store thatā€™s only 7 minutes from my house.I like my current manager but also like the one I met today. One of my friends that I used to work with works at the store I would be transferring to if I left. I feel guilty leaving the store Iā€™m at now. I had already been thinking about trying to get closer. Having been in yesterday mornings traffic nightmare makes me want to move to a closer store. Would it be wrong to transfer to a closer store? I would miss the people I work with now but know some of the people in the other store.
if you haven't decided, in my two cents, i would take the position closer. you're going to save on gas money and it's really not worth being stuck in traffic for that long with work. if you're worried about missing your old colleagues, maybe stop by their store every once in a while and say hi :) when i left my game store job i still visited the store just to keep up with my pals there.
if you haven't decided, in my two cents, i would take the position closer. you're going to save on gas money and it's really not worth being stuck in traffic for that long with work. if you're worried about missing your old colleagues, maybe stop by their store every once in a while and say hi :) when i left my game store job i still visited the store just to keep up with my pals there.
I very much appreciate the advice. I did end up trying but it looks like there was a delay in my request so they found someone else. At least I still have a job and maybe at a later time I will try again.
I very much appreciate the advice. I did end up trying but it looks like there was a delay in my request so they found someone else. At least I still have a job and maybe at a later time I will try again.
D: that's such a bummer. but who knows, maybe an even better opportunity will come in!!
D: that's such a bummer. but who knows, maybe an even better opportunity will come in!!
Yea I was kinda bummed about it but not much I can do about it. It is possible that something else can come up at another time.
Guys so much happened since I last consistently posted on the forums.
First thing is that I got into my schools art class after auditioning and I'm super excited for that!! I also started teaching guitar lessons to three young students, which has been really nervewracking because I've never done this before, but also cool because I can start putting money in savings.

Mentally and emotionally my life has been a bit of a downward spiral. One of my best friends not only distanced herself from me but also called me manipulative multiple times to my friends to turn them against me. She talked about me behind my back and then to my face. This was all because I had set boundaries with her a couple weeks ago. She basically always came to me to complain about her problems and then never took the time to actually take interest in spending time with me and being a good friend. I kindly asked her if she woukd put more effort and not always come to me with her problems because honestly, I'm not in a good enough place to shoulder and deal with double the problems and negativity that I already have in myself. After that she started attacking me and told other people stuff about me that wasn't true (i'm a b word, toxic positivity, manipulative) It really felt like I was being used in the situation and she was only my friend so I would take her problems, because as soon as I told her to stop she started hating me. I just kinda responded to it all with, Hey I'm sorry that you are sad alot but I'm not responsible for your mental health, take care of yourself and have a good life ily" and she told me I was manipulative, rude, and my comment was "exactly why she was backing herself away"
It was frustrating that she couldn't just be civil and mature about the situation.

worst thing is she's reaching back out to my more vulnerable friend saying she misses the good times when we know full well that this other friend has difficulties standing up for herself. My friend and I had both confronted the girl who I'm having stuff with about the whole boundaries situation, but because I was the one who said something first I get to be the manipulative one even though 1. Setting boundaries is completely normal and we were both sweet about it and 2. We both talked to her about the same thing at the same time and she only hates me.

Honestly i'm so done with it all, but it feels nice to get it down on paper.

In other news my birthday is tomorrow, so that's fun as well :>
I have a couple of updates to make.

1. My new patient paperwork was finally approved, so I have a PCP again. I was able to schedule my first appointment for this Thursday. I haven't had a check-up in 3 years, since before COVID, so I'll be getting a regular exam and talking to the doctor about possibly going on medication for anxiety/depression.

2. My office is opening back up on April 4th. I've been working from home for 2 years now and I'm both excited and nervous about going back into the office. Luckily, they are being very flexible about everything. Coming back into the office is optional, we can start coming in any day we want beginning April 4th, and we can choose to work from home some days and come in some days. As long as we're doing our job, they don't care where we do it from, but the office does have some benefits that working from home does not. I'm planning to work about 2-3 days in the office and 2-3 days from home each week. But the transition period has me nervous as I re-adjust to waking up earlier, getting ready and actually leaving the house, and figuring out where everything is now since they've taken the downtime to completely remodel the office building. I'm also slightly worried about the additional risk of exposing myself to COVID, but I'm glad that they are only allowing individuals who are fully vaccinated back into the office and vaccination status must be proven. They were going to require masks anytime you were within 6 feet of anyone else, but they've backtracked on that and now masks are just optional. I'll still be wearing mine most of the time, unless I'm eating or drinking, though.
@tessa grace Kind of a late reply to your post. I just wanted to comment how I used to have a friend just like that. They were very manipulative and would twist people's words/actions and somehow get people to blindly follow them regardless. They were a very close friend of mine, due to all of the stuff in life that was hitting me like a ton of bricks. I met them during that time and they helped me through it, but I was also not seeing the signs because of that very reason.

They also did not act civil the last time I met them. Actually it was way less than 'not act civil' They had gotten radicalized by the bad sides of Twitter over the years and there came a breaking point where they just went into attack and insult mode. Once they were 'officially' out of my life, I realized how negatively them being in it affected me and how many times I actually enjoyed being in their company (which was not that much towards the end)

It sucks. It really does. But sometimes it's better to let them go and focus on yourself. Your health and well-being are important. The fact that your friend never once lend a hand or ear when you need them to and always came to you with their baggage, shows where they stood in that relationship.

A real friend would want to do right by you not try to turn everyone on you. She is petty and vindictive. It's hard to do, but I'm glad we both cut people like that out of our life. We don't have time for that and you deserve better.
@tessa grace Kind of a late reply to your post. I just wanted to comment how I used to have a friend just like that. They were very manipulative and would twist people's words/actions and somehow get people to blindly follow them regardless. They were a very close friend of mine, due to all of the stuff in life that was hitting me like a ton of bricks. I met them during that time and they helped me through it, but I was also not seeing the signs because of that very reason.

They also did not act civil the last time I met them. Actually it was way less than 'not act civil' They had gotten radicalized by the bad sides of Twitter over the years and there came a breaking point where they just went into attack and insult mode. Once they were 'officially' out of my life, I realized how negatively them being in it affected me and how many times I actually enjoyed being in their company (which was not that much towards the end)

It sucks. It really does. But sometimes it's better to let them go and focus on yourself. Your health and well-being are important. The fact that your friend never once lend a hand or ear when you need them to and always came to you with their baggage, shows where they stood in that relationship.

A real friend would want to do right by you not try to turn everyone on you. She is petty and vindictive. It's hard to do, but I'm glad we both cut people like that out of our life. We don't have time for that and you deserve better.
Hey, thanks for this. Its been alot better and she's out of my life. And luckily my other friend finally stood up to her. So my mental health hss improved and I hope she can find peace and happiness. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this experience, thanks :)
kind of a minor life update, if it can even really be considered an update at all lol, but i went to my first show on friday. it was a comedy show; my mom saw russell howard and his opening act simon talbot live, and it was fantastic!! the journey to get to the show was an absolute nightmare, but the show itself was great. šŸ˜Š

because of my familyā€™s financial situation, iā€™ve never been to any sort of show, concert, vacation, etc, which is something iā€™ve always been embarrassed about. itā€™s a first world problem and really not a big deal, but i donā€™t know... just made me feel even ****tier about my lack of experiences in life, i guess lol.

getting to see russell howard (one of my favourite comedians) live was a great experience and meant the absolute world to me. i hope to continue to have more experiences like that. šŸ§”

i also had food poisoning for the first time last week. that was... not as great of an experience lmao, but an experience nonetheless... i guess. šŸ„“ /joking
In a few days Iā€™ll be bringing home a havanese puppy from Idaho. His name is Fred!

Iā€™m a little afraid of walking him in the city, but I think itā€™ll be good for both of us.