Life Updates

I went for my first visit with my new PCP last week and, like my counselor, she diagnosed me with moderate depression and anxiety. She prescribed two medications which I started this weekend. Both are intended to boost serotonin but the one I take in the daytime is milder and the one I take at night is stronger and also works as a sleep aid. The first night I took the stronger medication, I had some annoying side effects: wobbly legs, very bad nausea, and headaches. I didn't sleep well because of all that and I was drowsy all through the next day. But now that I'm on my second day, the side effects are not nearly as bad. They're still there a bit but much milder and I'm holding they'll go away completely as my body adjusts. Anyway, that's my most recent life update.
ugh, we lost our insurance cause my dad changed jobs and we gotta wait a while to get new insurance. sad, because i cant afford therapy right now due to lack of insurance. i also wanted to go see a specialist for weight management and GERD management but i have to put that on the backburner for now.
my new job offers insurance but id rather stay on my dads plan until I'm 25, just to save money...