Shop ↠ ❝ ❀ lila's garden, item, igb shop & more ❞ ❀ (OPEN!)

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Gates are open

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Town name is Rosebud
thank you for the tipppp <3

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hello! i’m available now :) just need to turn the game on and such.

okay! adding you now! lmk when its open :D
jk I already had you added lol
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closing temporarily because I have a lot of school work for the night + and I need to restock. ill be open again tomorrow :)
open again! heading to work now but any orders placed today I will fulfill tonight <3
Ahhh! I've had a crazy last few days, but if you are still available, I'll be on for the rest of the day today, Central time! So sorry about the late reply.
Hello! I am looking to buy 10 sweet olive starts, 10 holly starts, 10 Pink tulips, 5 Pink cosmos, 10 Pink lillies, 10 Black lillies 10 Orange Pansies, 10 Orange tulips, 10 Blue Tulips, 5 Blue violets, 5 Blue pansies, 10 Purple Tulips, 5 Black tulips, and also 4 Golden Roses, 30 lucky clovers, and 20 jacobs ladders. I understand this is a HUGE order but just thought I would try! If there's anything you don't have of this I completely understand.
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Town name: Pinewick
Friend code: 0877-0854-5755
Items requested:
pink azalea starts (x10)
-white azalea starts (x10)
-holly starts (x10)
-sweet olive starts (x10)
-blue hydrangea (x10)
-pink hydrangea (x10)
-bamboo shoots (x10)
Total price (TBT): 70
Hello! I'm looking to get a 3ds and wii for my characters home. Would that be 4 tbt total?

Mayor: Sachiko
Town: Lilyvail
Friend Code: 3282-3796-9840

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Also, can I add a golden axe as well?

This was my order! Would it be 6 TBT with the golden axe?

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My gates are open.
Town name: Patchery
Friend code: 5129-6240-0562
Items requested: blue hydrangea x25 + pink hydrangea x25 please!
Total price (TBT): 50 TBT
Town name: Atsukito
Friend code: sidebar~
Items requested: Do you have anything from this wishlist?
Total price (TBT): 50 TBT?, depending on how many of these items you have~
Town name: Hapi >w<
Friend code: sidebar :D
Items requested: 2 silver axes please!
Total price (TBT): 4 TBT
Hello! I am looking to buy 10 sweet olive starts, 10 holly starts, 10 Pink tulips, 5 Pink cosmos, 10 Pink lillies, 10 Black lillies 10 Orange Pansies, 10 Orange tulips, 10 Blue Tulips, 5 Blue violets, 5 Blue pansies, 10 Purple Tulips, 5 Black tulips, and also 4 Golden Roses, 30 lucky clovers, and 20 jacobs ladders. I understand this is a HUGE order but just thought I would try! If there's anything you don't have of this I completely understand.

Town name: Pinewick
Friend code: 0877-0854-5755
Items requested:
pink azalea starts (x10)
-white azalea starts (x10)
-holly starts (x10)
-sweet olive starts (x10)
-blue hydrangea (x10)
-pink hydrangea (x10)
-bamboo shoots (x10)
Total price (TBT): 70

This was my order! Would it be 6 TBT with the golden axe?

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My gates are open.

Town name: Patchery
Friend code: 5129-6240-0562
Items requested: blue hydrangea x25 + pink hydrangea x25 please!
Total price (TBT): 50 TBT

Town name: Atsukito
Friend code: sidebar~
Items requested: Do you have anything from this wishlist?
Total price (TBT): 50 TBT?, depending on how many of these items you have~

Town name: Hapi >w<
Friend code: sidebar :D
Items requested: 2 silver axes please!
Total price (TBT): 4 TBT

hey guys! apologies for my late response, work kept me MUCH later than expected yesterday and I came home and went straight to bed. please let me know when youre available so I can fulfill these orders for ya!! :)
hey guys! apologies for my late response, work kept me MUCH later than expected yesterday and I came home and went straight to bed. please let me know when youre available so I can fulfill these orders for ya!! :)

Ah it's no problem! :D Lemme just add you on 3ds and open up the game

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Tell me when you're available and i'll send over the TBT ^_^
If it's not too late to add, can I also ask if you have a tranquil bridge from Toby's RV? :eek: that would make my order:

Town name: Hapi >w<
Friend code: sidebar
Items requested: 2 silver axes please! + tranquil bridge
Total price (TBT): 6 TBT

It's okay if you don't have one though!

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I'll be going to sleep now > _ < I'll be available again around 9-10 hours from now!
hey guys! apologies for my late response, work kept me MUCH later than expected yesterday and I came home and went straight to bed. please let me know when youre available so I can fulfill these orders for ya!! :)

it's no problem! real life always comes first. thanks for letting us know. i'll be available for most of the rest of today including tonight. i've already sent you the 50 TBT and added your friend code. hopefully we'll be able to meet up soon!
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