[LINE] Mario Kart 8: All Cup Tour (RACE #2: TODAY @7PM EST)

Ugh, now I have to go.. sorry.. it wasn't like I was going to win anyway, haha..
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It's taking me several retries to reconnect, so maybe it's me. I've never had this happen before.

Since I'm only playing for fun, I'll play a single player match while you guys play for a while. Let me know if the disconnects stop while I'm away
I disconnected everyone because Sunshine Airport wasn't chosen lol.

We're waiting on one person right now, if they don't appear in a minute, I will begin.

- - - Post Merge - - -

It's taking me several retries to reconnect, so maybe it's me. I've never had this happen before.

Since I'm only playing for fun, I'll play a single player match while you guys play for a while. Let me know if the disconnects stop while I'm away

Okay thanks for letting us know! We will get started then~
I have no idea why it continues to disconnect. Remember, please don't stop racing. If one person stops racing or doesn't race at all, Mario Kart disconnects everyone.
Disconnected again.. it shouldn't be me- I've been playing online all day with no issues.
Lol, yeah. We're calling it a night. GG Everyone! (Its just a joke)