Link1704's Guide to making sigs


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2004
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
I've got the perfect guide for you that I made some time ago :lol: . Let me find it and I will edit it in. It's a basic MS paint guide, just to get you started.

The Guide:Hello everyone, I have made this tutorial for the beginner sig makers here at NSider. This is a very basic tutorial for MSPaint. Now, I know there are many more tutorials out there about this, but I think that this tutorial will help out a little. Now, there are two things that you will need for this tutorial: The internet, and MSPaint. When you have those two things, then you are set. Let the tutorial begin...

Okay first you will need to open up your internet and your MSPaint. Okay after you do that, you will need to go on the internet and find a good background for your sig. The best backgrounds are made from computer wallpaper. The best place to do this is at Google.

Now when you get to google. You will have to go to the Images tab. Then in the navigation bar of the Image tab, you will have to enter in your search. Now the search will have to be simple. You will have to use simple words. Ex: bubbly wallpaper, stary wallpaper, striped wallpaper, modern wallpaper, ect. For the sig we will be making today I have selected modern wallpaper. So type in modern wallpaper and press search. Now you should come up with something like this.

Now after you have you image selected, click the image, and when you get the next page you should have at the top of the page an option stating "See full size image". Click on this option. The image should be there. Right click the image, and click the option Copy. Now go to MSPaint. You will need to click on the image that looks like this:


Now when you have clicked on this icon right click the vast white part and click on the selection that says Paste. The image should appear.

Now, you need to find the part of the wallpaper that you want as your backround, here is the part of the wallpaper that I selected. Now again when you have selected that little part, right click it and press Copy. Now, on MSPaint, go up to File and the select the option New. Now you have a whole new work space. On the white, right click and select the option Paste. The image should appear like this.

Now we need to shrink the selected part to fit NSider regulations. I do believe that the maximum is 488x48, so we will be using that. Now to shrink it down to size, go to Image at the top of the screen, then go to Attributes. I box should pop up like this. Put 488 in the width box, and put 48 in the height box. Now remember we are measuring by pixels. Then click okay. The backround should shrink to look like this:


Now, we are at the fun part of sig making: Designing. Okay to design we will need to make the working space bigger like this. After you have done so, you will need to go back on google. Now this time, search for one of your favorite video game characters. I will be choosing Zelda characters for odvious reasons (my name is Link1704). Okay now do like I told you with all the other images, when you have your image, just right click and press copy, then go to MSPaint, then click Paste. Now if you have some pictures that are too big for the sig, you may have to shrink them. Also if your picture has a fuzzy white glow around it when you try to put it on the sig, then you will have to refer to Goron225's basic sig tutorial (56k) ,because I am running out of room to show you how to do that.

This is what my sig looked like after I have put my characters into it:


Now you will need to insert your NSider name or other screen name you go by into the sig. Look for the icon that looks like this:


Then click the part of the sig where you want to have your text and enter in your text, this is what mine looks like:


Now you are almost done, you are just going to make some finishing touches on your sig. For mine I am going to insert some sprites. One of the best places to find video game sprites is The Spriters Resource.Now there are many different sprites to choose from, but I stuck with the theme of Zelda, and got some Chu sprites. This is what mine looks like now:


Now, if you are making the sig for someone, and want to make sure everyone knows that you made it for them, then you should put a little piece of yourself into the sig. I call it a sig mark. Okay, now my sig mark, that I put on most of my sigs is a triforce. Now you always want to put your sig mark in a place that is away from the rest of the sig. I usually put mine in the corner of my sig, like this:


Now the above picture is the finished sig. I think it looks okay for a beginner sig, if I do say so myself. Now if you want a good place to find new fonts, you should probably go to either Dafont or My Fonts. Dafont lets you get free fonts, and My Fonts lets you see what you font looks like in a word or phase you are going to use (screen name).

Okay now all that is left is to host your sig. The place that I host my sigs at is at Photobucket. It is a site that will let you host your sig for free. Okay so go there and sign up. After you have done that do this. Click that, and find your pic on the comp. After you have pressed okay and have found your pic. Press the Submit button. Your sig is now hosted. Now under your sig, there are three codes. The one that. NSider uses is the second one. Copy the second one, and paste it in your signature box. To find out what else you can make you sig do with HTML codes, refer to the HTML Guide.

I hope this guide helped out some of the new users to making sigs. Good luck with the sig making!!