• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

List of Special Characters


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Nov 13, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
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<big>The Able Sisters</big>
These two cuties run a quaint fabric shop in town. Drop by Sable and Mabel's shop whenever
you feel like updating your wardrobe. They'll even help you design your own clothing patterns, which you may place on shirts, umbrellas, flags, and even the walls and floors in your home!

<big>Blathers, Celeste, and Brewster</big>
Swing by your town's museum to meet this unique trio. Blathers is a talkative owl who runs and maintains the exhibits while his sister, Celeste, charts the night sky from the top-floor observatory. Step downstairs and introduce yourself to Brewster, a chill dude who runs the basement cafe called the Roost.

<big>Booker and Copper</big>
Booker and Copper are to studly watchdogs who stand guard over the town gate. Copper's the confident one who'll help you obtain a friend code to invite your pals into your town (or help you head out to visit theirs). Booker's a bit of a nervous Nelly, but he's also a great source for information- he'll tell you if any special visitors have come to town recently and let you swipe goodies from the lost-and-founr.

Kapp'n is a little different, as he doesn't really live in the town or city. He drives the bus between the two places, though. A chatty fellow who's seen it all, Kapp'n is always ready to offer his stowaways a few words o' wisdom.

<big>Pelly and Phyllis</big>
Drop by the town hall during the daytime and speak with Pelly, who runs the civic center and the post office (depending on which end of the counter you step up to). The town hall is open all hours, so Phyllis works the night shift. Pelly's a little more chipper than her counterpart, but what do you expect? The night shift at the post office isn't exactly Phyllis's dream job.

The first character you meet in Animal Crossing is Rover, a helpful cat who's always ready to lend newcomers a hand. Rover rides with you on the bus to town when you first move in, and you can call him up anytime on the telephone next to your bed. He also enjoys a hot cup of joe every now and again, so you might even see him at the Roost from time to time. be sure to say hi when you do!

<big>Tom Nook</big>
A kind raccoon with a heart of gold, Tom Nook helps you get started when you first move into town by loaning you a home to live in. Tom alo runs a little supply shop in town that sells all the basics, including furniture, clothing, tools, and gardening supplies. Tom will help you in a variety of ways as your life unfolds, and you'll help im as well: keep shopping at his store and it'll get bigger and bigger. Eventually, old Tom will need to hire his two nephews, Timmy and Tommy, just to keep his buisness running!

With age comes seniority, and this old-timer has been around long enough to become your town's mayor. Tortimer's a firnely old turtle who really gets excited when sepcial events are going on in own. Speak to him during event days for a brief history lesson and, more importantly, free gifts!

<big>Dr. Shrunk</big>
This good doctor may look a big weird (well, okay, really weird), bt he's got some important advice to give. Fork over a few Bells to gain admittance to his marquee shows, where Dr. Shrunk can teach you new emotes to use around your friends. Learn to express yourself, the Dr. Shrunk way!

A pooch with one amazing do, Harriet runs a near little salon in the city called Shampoodle. Visit Harriet and she'll transform your look with a new hairstle (for a boatload of Bells). Or have her give you a total Mii makeover! Either way, harriet's sure to do wonders for your image.

If your third eye's in need of some exercise, swing by Katrina's shop and pay a few Bells to have your fortune read by a professional teller. Katrina can also advise you on ways to acquire charms, which can help improve your luck.

Care for a shoeshine, guy? Then head into the city on fair-weather days to spy a friendly little guy named Kicks, who's always ready to shine you up. For a fair price, Kicks can change either the style or the color of your shoes- and he doesn't even ask for a tip afterward

This classy lass operates GracieGrace, a trendy department store at the city's north end. Labelle's always happy to help you in any way, though her boss, Gracie, is the real talent behind the price tags.

Got a basement fll of junk? Cart it over to Lloid's auction house to see if you can turn that stuff into cold, hard Bells! This polite little Gyroid brings folks together by letting them put stuff up for auction and place bids on the things they long for.

You wouldn't know it just by looking at him, but Lyle is all about style, He runs a branch of the HRA in the city, and yearns to help you discover your inner decorator. Stop by his place to learn all about the HRA and sign up for regular contests. See if you can get your home into Lyle's model room!

It's touch calling this shady character a pillar of the community, but Redd's certaintly got the market cornered when it comes to paintings. ask around town to see if any of your neighbors can hook you up with a invitation to Redd's shop, then look at what the sly fox has to offer. Just watch out for forgeries!

Turn on Nintendo WFC and a special character named Blanca may randomly appear from time to time. Blanca's easy to pick out- it's the character with no face! Not having a face can't be fun, so do Blanca a favor and draw one on.

Chip's an eager beaver who appears only when the fishing tourney event is being held in town. Speak with chip to find out what the tournament challenge is, then do your best to catch the biggest fish you can. When the fishing tourney ends, Chip hands ut rewards to whoever wound up with the best catch.

This talking turkey is all about giving thanks, but he appears only during the Harvest Festival. First, speak with Tortimer for a brief history lesson, and he'll give you a knife and a fork. Now find Franklin milling around in your town and trade the knife and fork for a fabulous gift!

Frillard's a zany lizard who sometimes appears in place of Dr. Shrunk to give special performances at the city's Marquee. Frillard will teach you emotes unkown to even Dr. Shrunk, so you really luck out when this lizard's about.

Gracie has moved up in the fashion world and has opened her own exclusive store in the city. Labelle runs the shop's day-to-day operations, but Gracie graces the shop once in a while to show her loyal fans she still cares. Speak with gracie when she's around, and you might be lucky enough to learn and exclusive fashion tip.

During weekdays between 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. keep an eye in the sky to see a UFO fly by. If you do, whip out your slingshot and shoot that bad boy down for a chance to meet with a great adventurer named Gulliver! Help find all Gulliver's spaceship parts to get him flying again, and he'll reward you with special gifts.

Jack's a rare special visitor who appears in your town on Halloween. Give this prakster candy to recieve special furniture, but watch out: If you don't have any candy to give Jack, he might play a trick on you! Stock up on candy before halloween.

Like Jack, Jingle only show up only once a year! Find Jingle in your town and he'll give you a special gift. Jingle usually only gives one gift per years, but you can trick him into thinking your someone else by chaning your outfit and accesories!

Joan's a regular visitor who shows up in town every Sunday between 6:00 A.M. and noon. Joan sells special turnips that you can buy off her, then sell to Tom Nook for a profit! White turnips can only be sold, but you can plant Joan's red turnips in the ground and water them each day to make them grow. Dig up red turnips after watering them for about a week they'll be huge- they also sell for huge Bells!

<big>K.K. Slider</big>
Visit the Roost in the museum's basement every Saturday after 8:00 p.m. to watch and exclusive performance by the master musician K.K. Slider. Speak with K.K. to have him jam out a frech tune, then talk to him again to learn that he's slipped a free bootleg into your pockets! Collect all of K.K.'s amazing songs and pop them into your home stereo so you can enjoy them any time you like.

<big>Katie and Kaitlin</big>
Katie and Kaitlin are two cats who have become seperated. Help reunite this mother and daughter pair, and they'll give you a special gift as thanks. katie and Kaitlin appear randomly, but only after you've visited a friend's town (or vice versa). If you ever Katie or Kaitlin in your town, be sure to visit your friend's town and search for the other. The player who helps Katie or Kaitlin find her way home will recive one a special reward.

Nat's a insect fanatic who hosts the Bug-Off events that occur at certain times of the year. Speak with him to learn rules of the tourney, then rush out and do your best to catch the most bugs. nat awards the prestigious Bug Trophy to the winner when the event ends.

Pascal's a wandering adventurer who might show u in your town during weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Give him a scallop and he'll fork over a special furniture item as thanks (watch for scallops to appear on the beach). Don't speak to Pascal if you don;t have a scallop to give, though- he'll just hop in the river and swim away.

Got some candy left over from Halloween? Don't let it go to waste! Sekk out Pave during Festivale, which occurs only once a year. Give candy to Pave to recieve unique Furniture in exchange! Pave gives different furniture for different combinations of candy, so mix it up and see what sorts of furniture you can score.

The mail buisness might be slowing down in the real world, but it's booming in Animal Crossing! Pete's your local mail carrier and you might run into him from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. while he's out on his route. Pete doesnt have any special gifts to give, but he's alays happy to speak with someone who won't yell at him for messing up a delivery. (poor pete)

Hitch a ride to the city on sunny days for a change to meet Phineas out in the plaza. This
happy-go-lucky character lives to spread cheer and will give you a balloon, pinwheel, or a bubble wand just for saying hello. Limit one goodie per visit!

<big>Mr. Resetti and Don Resetti</big>
These two hardworking moles don't like it when you reset your game. In fact, they really, really hate it! Turn off your game without saving and you'll get a visit from peeved Mr. Resetti the next time you play. Keep resetting your game and Mr. Resetti will become more and more irate! he may even sick Don on you, who's a bit more mellow but still tries to get the point across that saving is important and resetting is cheating.

Saharah's a carpet and wallpaper aficionado who might turn up in your town from 6:00 a.m. to mignight on weekdays. Trade your old flooring and wallpaper with Saharah for a chance at recieving some of the exclusive wallpaper and carpet she has.

Visit your town hall and donate enough Bells to your town fund to have a fountain built in town. Once the construction is complete (and tortimer moves out of your way), toss a axe into the fountain to summon a mystical character named Serena. Answer Serena's questions for a chance at scoring eithr a silver or gold axe, which won't break. See? it pays to donate!

Ever notice those little snowballs on the ground during the winter months? Well, you can make them bigger by rolling them through snow. Find two snowballs and roll one up to the largest size possible. Then roll the other one up a bit smaller and place it on top as the head (the second one's the trick, as it has to be the right size; make it too small or too big and your snowman won't be very happy.) Build a snowman to the proper proportions and he'll reward you by mailing you a special gift!

WEndell's a tubby traveling marchant with a whale of a appetite. Look for him on weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and midnight. Give Wendell some fruit or fish for a chance at scoring one of his special treats!

For a ghost, Wisp sure is one big scaredy-cat! That's okay though; everyone gets scared once in a while. Wisp may turn up in your town during the wee hours; if he does, help him find his empty lamp. Return it to Wisp and he'll grant you one of three wishes- but you have to go into your attic and rub the lamp first!

Poof! Wisp reappears, ready to grant your wish. He'll either remove all the weeds from your town, smash all of the roaches in your house, or give you a rare item that's tough to find in stores. You did a nice thing by helping Wisp, so go ahead and claim your reward!

<big>Zipper T. Bunny</big>
Bunny Day comes just once a year, and with it comes Zipper T. Bunny, the frendliest rabbit of all! Zipper's hidden a bunch of special eggs all around town- can you find them all? Dig them up with your shovel to see what's inside. If you find any bunny foil, trade it with Zipper for a fabulous prize!
coffeebean! said:
o_O Thanks...that's gonna come in handy...n.n
It does?

It's just a list of characters that work in shops/the city or visit on special events, it doesn't even say where they work or what special event they're involved with.

EDIT: Zipper T is the easter bunny.
Jas0n said:
coffeebean! said:
o_O Thanks...that's gonna come in handy...n.n
It does?

It's just a list of characters that work in shops/the city or visit on special events, it doesn't even say where they work or what special event they're involved with.

EDIT: Zipper T is the easter bunny.
Well, any extra information about AC:CF will come in handy, if it's correct.
Jas0n said:
coffeebean! said:
o_O Thanks...that's gonna come in handy...n.n
It does?

It's just a list of characters that work in shops/the city or visit on special events, it doesn't even say where they work or what special event they're involved with.

EDIT: Zipper T is the easter bunny.
K ill edit in the descriptions from the guide but it might take a while
Has anyone heard of Tandell, he waters the plants in the city, Someone told me about him on youtube see below

Tandall is some old guy, who works for Harriet. He is a Bear who loves to garden. He appears on weekdays at 2:00am-2:10am. He is the hardest Special neighbor to see, other than that lizard. He will ask you to water the rest, then you get a picture of him, though sadly he rarely asks you to do so... it took me three weeks to get that pic. I got the game very early, 11-12-08. He has the Grumpy voice.
Anna said:
Has anyone heard of Tandell, he waters the plants in the city, Someone told me about him on youtube see below

Tandall is some old guy, who works for Harriet. He is a Bear who loves to garden. He appears on weekdays at 2:00am-2:10am. He is the hardest Special neighbor to see, other than that lizard. He will ask you to water the rest, then you get a picture of him, though sadly he rarely asks you to do so... it took me three weeks to get that pic. I got the game very early, 11-12-08. He has the Grumpy voice.
Sounds cool, i'll have to keep an eye out for him.
(I would probably TT to that time and see if it's true.....)

crap that's gonna take you a while mega.....x.x
*goes off and makes video*

Nat's a incest fanatic who hosts the Bug-Off events that occur at certain times of the year. Speak with him to learn rules of the tourney, then rush out and do your best to catch the most bugs. nat awards the prestigious Bug Trophy to the winner when the event ends."

Fix. This.
lol what vid?

Imma go try to get mindas mask >_< so many points!!! I'd rather buy it but NO!!! 6,500 points gah! I only got 400! >_>...
Grawr said:

Nat's a incest fanatic who hosts the Bug-Off events that occur at certain times of the year. Speak with him to learn rules of the tourney, then rush out and do your best to catch the most bugs. nat awards the prestigious Bug Trophy to the winner when the event ends."

Fix. This.
mine is fine >.>
I socxs I said:
lol what vid?

Imma go try to get mindas mask >_< so many points!!! I'd rather buy it but NO!!! 6,500 points gah! I only got 400! >_>...
im making a video about something......that will probably be on the off topic section later if this crap finishes uploading! x.x