What kind of breakfast do you eat?

What kind of breakfast do you eat?

  • Pancakes, waffles etc.

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • Bread, croissants etc.

    Votes: 27 38.6%
  • English breakfast

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Rice with vegetables and meat/fish etc

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Cornflakes

    Votes: 10 14.3%
  • Eggs, bacon etc (without bread)

    Votes: 22 31.4%
  • Just coffee

    Votes: 18 25.7%
  • Fruit

    Votes: 19 27.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 36 51.4%

  • Total voters
-3 eggs (mostly boiled)
-oatmeal or cereal (usually cherrios/go-lean/raisin bran)
-orange Juice
-whole wheat nutri-grain bars
-sometimes a banana

I've quit coffee a while ago but began drinking it again only on weekends though
Usually bread or cereals (I would love pastries for breakfast but really I shouldn't..), plain white rice, and sometimes eggs and avocados on toast.
Recently just bread. I need to eat something before I take medicine but I’m too lazy in the morning to make anything. I’m not that hungry anyways either. I used to eat a hard boiled egg everyday too but I got tired of that lol
It varies, and I'll often go through stages of eating one thing on repeat for a month hah, but often atm it's egg with simple onion and herbs in it on toast, or something else on toast like mushroom or vegemite. Sometimes I'll just have fruit or a muesli bar.
i don't always eat breakfast because i wake up pretty late or i'm too lazy, but i usually love eating pancakes and egg with a hashbrown on the side.
I'll be real, I don't always eat breakfast, especially when my sleep schedule is messed up and I'm waking up near/past noon., but when I do, it definitely ranges and depends on what I have available. Sometimes it's just a bowl of cereal, other times I'll buy breakfast at some place like Tim Hortons and usually go for their breakfast sandwiches (sausage, egg and cheese on a biscuit is my personal favourite), and if it's the weekend I've made things like sausage/bacon with eggs and toast. When I'm with my family, our bigger breakfasts are almost always pancakes with bacon, which I like, but I'd put other options above it. When I'm on vacation or travelling, I definitely take advantage of the nicer breakfasts since we eat out way more. I love ordering waffles with sausage on the side if I can, and I had to give a vote to english breakfast because I honestly rank english breakfasts as one of, if not my favourite breakfast. I honestly only had them when I was in the UK which was 10 years ago now, but I'll never forget the flavours and I really should try to make it myself. 🤔
I eat a typical Filipino breakfast, which is garlic fried rice, egg, and something else. The something else either being sausages, corned beef, leftovers from last night's dinner, etc.

Sometimes you just eat hot pandesal (a kind of bread) served with coffee or hot chocolate.
Growing up it was hot chocolate and bread - with nice pastries on sunday (croissants...)
Now it's just one cup of coffee and one cup of fruit juice. I'm not very hungry in the morning, I usually get hungry two hours after waking up.
Our breakfasts consist of tea. ☕
Walkers biscuits, I'll have three. 🍪
On the sofa, your back to me 🛋️🤵🏻🫂👱🏻‍♀️
and my hand upon your tuuuummmmy. 🤵🏻🖐🏼🔔👱🏻‍♀️😊

Our plates, will be licked clean 🌚👅🍽️
and our fingers are held between. 👱🏻‍♀️🤝🏻🤵🏻
All is calm, just like a dream. ☺️🥰
Uuuuntil I squeeze and make you scream. 🤵🏻👋🏼🔔👱🏻‍♀️🤣

Once I'm done, with tickle troubles, 🤭
we'll wash plates with soap and bubbles. 🍽️🧼
Afterwards, we'll haaaave our cuddles, 🤵🏻🫂👱🏻‍♀️💕
on the sofa, built for couples. 🤵🏻❤️👱🏻‍♀️
I’m usually not awake for breakfast but, my breakfast is usually leftovers. I used to eat cereal but a lot of cereal seems to upset my stomach.
It's just some coffee in the morning with cereal, usually honey bunches of oats with chopped up bananas. I eat that because it's quick and easy to put together before I head to work and it tastes good too! On my days off I usually get a sausage breakfast burrito from the burger joint down the street and it never misses. 🤤
Every morning I eat eggs, a fruit, and a bagel. Occasionally bacon joins in. I love all iterations of this breakfast and I never get tired of it.

Possible twists:
- leftover steamed broccoli and some cheese in the eggs
- for fruit I choose between strawberries, an orange, or peaches when they’re in season
- I typically eat healthy multigrain bagels, but on days off I eat extra fluffy white bread bagels
- Sometimes I do eggs on buttered toast
- On rare occasion when I have the energy, I make French toast or pancakes, then cut up fruit on the side.

But really 95% of the time it’s just scrambled eggs, fruit, bagel with butter. It never gets old.
I skip breakfast a lot sadly, but when I do eat it I'll have cereal, granola + yogurt (fruit if we have it). I just don't usually tend to feel hungry in the morning though.
I always have coffee of course (because I don’t like mornings, & I NEED the caffeine!). But with my coffee, I like to eat something sweet. Then after anything sweet, I need something savory to counteract that. So I usually have some hard boiled eggs, especially for the protein.
I like to start the day with old reliable (iced coffee)....aaannnnd that's it :)

I am not a morning person. In fact, I'm practically nocturnal. The last thing I want to do in the morning is make food let alone eat. I usually wake up with just enough time to get ready and leave. On my off days, I don't even wake up until 1pm and by then it's lunch time 😅

I do enjoy breakfast foods though! Sometimes I'll make breakfast for dinner. My favorite is a homemade "McMuffin" where I put bacon, cheese, and an over-easy egg on a buttered English Muffin 🤤
Omg after seeing the option for English Breakfast I want one now 😍 that’s my treat for myself if I ever get breakfast out somewhere! I typically have a protein yoghurt, wholemeal bread toasted with peanut butter, and a banana. I didn’t really have breakfast until I was a teenager, I needed it more than I realised as I was getting faint so often. Now I definitely couldn’t skip it!