C'mon Marshaaallllll wake up reclaim your throne already!!!!!! *while cheering for Beau on the side*
and Fuchsia...you awful-hideous-equivalent-of-snookie-and-nicki-minaj-and-anything-along-those-lines-thing.
*shakes fist* I'll make sure I void every single one of you. XD
You are not worthy to be in the same tier as Mitzi Julian Erik Poppy Skye Flurry.
Molly has been in Tier #01 before. It happened either last spring or summer [2014]. That was a period where the likes of Bam and Phoebe also had the experience of arriving in the top ranks.
It was this month [February 2015] that marked Julian having fallen out of the top tier. It's been having to do with the rise of Chief. Plus, some who had previously fallen out of Tier #01 reascended. (Whitney and Zucker spring to mind.)
Oddly, my favorite is Hamphrey. He's just so chill and mature. I like him a lot.
I have weird favorites