List of Villagers Based on Popularity

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Lol I think lots of us see Lolly as more popular than Merengue. I guess we will see in the next update if hound agrees. :)
I think Rooney should be moved to at least tier 4. In the last few days, I've seen a bunch of people asking for/reserving him.
Move lolly up. Everyone may be saying it, but that says something itself. Merengue just aint that popular anymore
Sorry, but as I mentioned to you before, I do NOT give in to peer pressure.

I honestly don't know where all this is coming from, Lolly is a solid number 3 and is steadily rising but she is NOT more popular than Merengue.

Lolly will stay at number 3 until I see her popularity rise more.
^^Merengue is still really popular, I'm not sure where this sudden backlash is coming from to move Lolly up. She's popular, sure, but that doesn't mean every time you see a thread w/ Lolly you automatically shout 'Oh, look, there's not one for Merengue!! Lolly's way better!' because that's silly and we can't really discern popularity on that alone- after all, I've seen next to no Marshal threads recently, but he's still solidly at the top of the top. Don't gang up on hound00med, guys, this thread is hella helpful and accurate!! So let's keep it civil :p
This is an extremely helpful list thank you so much for putting time and effort into helping this list grow! :)

This is what got me into the bell tree forums so again thank you very much for making this
No one is ganging up on Hound. The list is great. People are just giving their opinions. Are we not aloud to speak our opinions? @ZoeZoe :)
I think Rooney should be moved to at least tier 4. In the last few days, I've seen a bunch of people asking for/reserving him.

I agree! I've seen quite afew people looking for Rooney too lately and I think he should be moved to tier 4 (fingers crossed that he will be the first kangaroo villager that won't be in tier 5) :p
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No one is ganging up on Hound. The list is great. People are just giving their opinions. Are we not aloud to speak our opinions? @ZoeZoe :)

If you want my reply be sure to reply w/ quote!
Any who, perhaps 'ganging up' wasn't the best choice of words, but a swarm of people did come in (some far more rude than others) and hound00med stated they felt as though they were being pressured! Opinions are fine (so long as they're not harmful), but I felt as though people were being more aggressive (or passive aggressive, in some cases) than necessasary! Y'see where I'm coming from, now? I just wanted to neutralize the situation.

- - - Post Merge - - -

In other news, I've seen a lot more activity surrounding Bertha and Alice lately!
If you want my reply be sure to reply w/ quote!
Any who, perhaps 'ganging up' wasn't the best choice of words, but a swarm of people did come in (some far more rude than others) and hound00med stated they felt as though they were being pressured! Opinions are fine (so long as they're not harmful), but I felt as though people were being more aggressive (or passive aggressive, in some cases) than necessasary! Y'see where I'm coming from, now? I just wanted to neutralize the situation.

- - - Post Merge - - -

In other news, I've seen a lot more activity surrounding Bertha and Alice lately!

I see where your coming from but most people just wanted to express their opinions. I guess a few people just seemed a little pushy on their opinions i wouldn't necessarily say rude. I understand your perspective hun. No worries. Also I rarely quote others cause im on mobile and the quote button never works for me so I have to switch to desktop view just to quote and im too lazy for that. Lmbo. XD
I think Marshall she be demoted from number one I seen some people wanting to stuff nails in marshall
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