Little known fact about you

I'm an avid history nut. I'm not a fan of most school subjects, but history is the only one I'm not only actively going out of my way to learn about, I'm also excited to learn about it too. I love learning about past time periods and learning about the people and the cultures that not only made them what they are but also helped shaped the world of today.
i actually go to special ed classes at school. i have some learning difficulties.
i also have some sort of speech disability. it really sucks tbh.
I have a large interest in alternative fashion, particularly lolita.

Lol I think that's kinda known, based on your avatars and QRs for your ACNL mayor.

i actually go to special ed classes at school. i have some learning difficulties.
i also have some sort of speech disability. it really sucks tbh.

Relate on the speech thing. It's not like I went to some sort of speech doctor and they were like 'yeah your child has a serious speech impediment due to XXXXX' but I have an annoying stutter problem, it's like every time I talk it's a bit of a struggle not to slur my words. I'll mix up words, switch the around, add or drop complete syllables, stutter, drop words entirely, add other words cause I changed my mind on how I wanted to say somethin ect... I always have to think of what I'm going to say before I say it, and even then I can still stutter. Alot of the time I have to re say my entire sentence.
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I had my tonsils removed when I was 9 and I had to miss 2 weeks of school because of the pain
I spent pretty much the entire time laying in bed and watching the suite life on deck
idk if you would guess this from my profile, but I loooooooovvvvvveeee cars. Especially muscle ones.
Relate on the speech thing. It's not like I went to some sort of speech doctor and they were like 'yeah your child has a serious speech impediment due to XXXXX' but I have an annoying stutter problem, it's like every time I talk it's a bit of a struggle not to slur my words. I'll mix up words, switch the around, add or drop complete syllables, stutter, drop words entirely, add other words cause I changed my mind on how I wanted to say somethin ect... I always have to think of what I'm going to say before I say it, and even then I can still stutter. Alot of the time I have to re say my entire sentence.

I have to repeat my sentence a lot too. Mine's really bad so, I have to go to a speech therapist. I end up sounding really dumb saying words tbh. For example, instead of saying "Fish" it comes out as "Fiss" or "Thanks" comes out as "Fanks". It's gotten better but, I still sound really awkward saying certain words.

Maybe !! Haha

I guess I had hoped it would cause interest or start conversation, it can become a pretty interesting topic!
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I think I have this in my profile but I can play a few instruments, I'd love to learn more. I can play clarinet, alto saxophone, trombone, and guitar. I want to learn trumpet and french horn, but I know french horn will be a big challenge.
I’m pretty quick to recover from pain, both physically and emotionally. One example of physical is having my wisdom teeth removed a year or two ago and being up and walking the same day of the surgery. Emotionally I can have a bad day, but I tend to rebound faster than anyone I know and feel happy again. :)
Relate on the speech thing. It's not like I went to some sort of speech doctor and they were like 'yeah your child has a serious speech impediment due to XXXXX' but I have an annoying stutter problem, it's like every time I talk it's a bit of a struggle not to slur my words. I'll mix up words, switch the around, add or drop complete syllables, stutter, drop words entirely, add other words cause I changed my mind on how I wanted to say somethin ect... I always have to think of what I'm going to say before I say it, and even then I can still stutter. Alot of the time I have to re say my entire sentence.
I can relate on the stutter thing as well. Though it can vary how much I stutter. Some days, I can speak pretty normally, but others I'm struggling with my words even if I already thought of what to say beforehand. It's not like I have a serious speech impediment, I just do not get as much social interaction as I should so I'm pretty bad at it and it doesn't help that I'm autistic, which just kind of makes it worse.
I hate almost all condiments in/on my food

Condiments make me GAG

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm really socially awkward and will say really inappropriate things to people. The last time I had any physical social interaction with someone the first thing to come out of my mouth was "Woah!!! Your acne looks like ****!!!" Then i brought up their grandmas dead dog.
Needless to say I have no interest in making a s*** f***ing fool of myself again any time soon
(I had dreams of myself apologising to them so many times why am I like this)
This image sums it up:
