Little known fact about you

I love studying languages, and I'm pretty good at picking them up. I also love listening to people speak in a foreign language or listening to foreign music.
You can't pay me enough to walk down a flight of stairs without looking down. After one bad fall as a kid, I've been scared since lol! I'll always envy actors/actresses practically running down them like it's nothing!
I don't like being called shortened versions of my name; I only let it slide from family. x:
I have a couple of little known facts that are health-related:

- I have no tonsils as I got them removed when I was around 5 years old due to having severe, reoccurring tonsillitis

- I was (potentially) born with a very mild form of cerebral palsy - specifically spastic diplegia which causes extreme muscle stiffness. I don't often tell people this, but it would probably explain to them a reason why I walk funny/limp a lot lol
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i crashed my bike as a kid and apparently bent a rib/shifted my whole rib cage
I'm massively addicted to caffeine and have a love for classic literature.
I have chipped front teeth from tripping over my cat when I was 12.
I was running outside when he dashed out in front of me, causing me to fall face first into our driveway lmao. IT HURT SO BAD !!!

I had gotten them filled in, but the filling came off over a year ago and I haven't been able to afford to go to a dentist to get them fixed since I don't have insurance :')
I used to be super self-conscious when speaking to people, but I've learned to forget about it!
I have two separate but related mental illnesses that haunt me every day :'>

Also I'm allergic to kiwis and I have a pretty sizeable vinyl collection

I'm sure those were pretty obvious though, so as for my little-known fact, I'm obsessed with Dan Avidan (don't tell anyone it's a secret)
I have Autism. More and more people are finding out, and it explains so much for them after having known me for several months to years. I wait a very long time before I tell someone, because I have a lot of sensory problems and I wouldn't want to ruin their day by telling them that something they were doing was hurting me or overstimulating me.
I’m always prone to having things not favouring me for some dumb reason. For example, you could get me to turn on the stove. So then I tried turning it on and it wouldn’t work. Have someone else do exactly the same and it works fine. Sigh....
I’m always prone to having things not favouring me for some dumb reason. For example, you could get me to turn on the stove. So then I tried turning it on and it wouldn’t work. Have someone else do exactly the same and it works fine. Sigh....

Omg me with computers and literally anyone else. The computer at work can stop working for some reason, and when someone else tried to do somethin (usually my asst. manager) it works perfectly fine for them, making me look crazy X)
My hands are cross-dominant. Basically, I am left handed for some tasks and right handed for others. For example, I draw with my left hand but throw with my right.

It's different from being ambidextrous which is being able to use both hands equally well. I still have a preference for a certain hand, it's just different for each task.
I have two scars on my butt, one I got from sitting on a log fence at my local park, slipped off and got cut by a nail. The other I got when I was sitting on a plywood ramp my neighbours made and I slid down it like a slide and I got a sliver up my butt.
Recently I discovered something about myself. I was told from my doctor, that I'm almost not breathing during the sleep.
Sleep Apnea Syndrome - "Very severe SAS. Look, this number. When it's above 30, that means you have high risk of sudden death. But yours is, look, 49. You won't be able to live long."

W h a t.
Recently I discovered something about myself. I was told from my doctor, that I'm almost not breathing during the sleep.
Sleep Apnea Syndrome - "Very severe SAS. Look, this number. When it's above 30, that means you have high risk of sudden death. But yours is, look, 49. You won't be able to live long."

W h a t.

That's good you were able to find this out! I'd hate to think what could have happened if it continued to go undiagnosed. Are you on any sort of treatment yet?
That's good you were able to find this out! I'd hate to think what could have happened if it continued to go undiagnosed. Are you on any sort of treatment yet?
Hahaha, you're right.
Currently taking medicine to calm down the blood pressure. It's insanely high right after waking up, due to not breathing. (However it sounds some silly...) And, made a pocket at the back of my nightwear to hold the tennis ball (augh sounds more silly) which would prevent me from sleeping face up - sleeping face up makes it worse. Now watching how much it improves the breathing.
I'll probably have to get a surgery to remove the tonsil though.
Thank you for being so caring, Mayor Silver. ;)