Little known fact about you

I am an Irish twin!
My brother and I were born 11 months apart and, naturally how the gene pool goes, we look almost exactly alike and act almost exactly alike. Our other/eldest brother is also us, since he was here first, but he's got that hilarious older brother mentality that I absolutely adore. All of us are in our 20s right now and act just like we did 10+ years ago
I have partial heterochromia in one eye, but it isn't noticeable because it's the top third of my iris and mostly hidden by my eyelid 🙂
I get migraines pretty often.
(I don't know if this counts as little known)
I also have somewhat bad memory. It's kinda like "I remember (thing) happened but I don't really remember the experience anymore".
When I was 5 I was obsessed with Penguins. Happy Feet was my favorite movie and I watched it over and over and over again. My 5th birthday party was penguin themed, and we had a plate of peach flavored gummy penguins and I poured purple Nerds all over them. My Aunt worked at a print/embroidery shop at the time and made me a custom outfit with penguins embroidered on it. I insisted people sing Happy Birthday dear Lovelace and my mom even got a cake that said Lovelace on it. We had these inflatable penguins and later on everybody started hopping around on them (my family was fine with it)!
I’ve never been to college or had a job yet. (you might have noticed from previous posts years ago that I was planning to go to college, but it never worked out.)

It’s probably for the best that I never went to college because I don’t think I’m cut out for it, now that I’ve been thinking more cautiously.
I’ve never been to college or had a job yet. (you might have noticed from previous posts years ago that I was planning to go to college, but it never worked out.)
It’s probably for the best that I never went to college because I don’t think I’m cut out for it, now that I’ve been thinking more cautiously.
I was pressured to go to college and honestly that was a mistake. I was still mentally struggling with my traumatic high school years that going to college to take classes made me have a mental breakdown from stress. I dropped out and honestly I’m doing better now and do have a part time job that pays decently.
When I was little I split my head open and had to get staples. I don't really remember it though.