Kick ass.
I often feel the need for speed. If you knew me, you would probably see me driving around for hours around town or on the highway.
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I often feel the need for speed. If you knew me, you would probably see me driving around for hours around town or on the highway.
I to have a need for speed. I talk and walk fast, and generally move fast, like with my actions. But I'm so scared with driving that I end up going slow. Also the speedometer in my car is kinda wack, it's not easy to read cause it goes by even number instead of 0s and 5s, like, ya know, a NORMAL car does.
Top Gun, baby.
Also, what the hell kinda car is that? That's sucky. I'd much rather have easily countable intervals! Lmao
Relate on the speech thing. It's not like I went to some sort of speech doctor and they were like 'yeah your child has a serious speech impediment due to XXXXX' but I have an annoying stutter problem, it's like every time I talk it's a bit of a struggle not to slur my words. I'll mix up words, switch the around, add or drop complete syllables, stutter, drop words entirely, add other words cause I changed my mind on how I wanted to say somethin ect... I always have to think of what I'm going to say before I say it, and even then I can still stutter. Alot of the time I have to re say my entire sentence.