Little known fact about you

I used to be deathly obsessed with The Legend of Zelda in the 7th grade. While I do talk about the game series quite a bit on this forum (and essentially everything on my profile, i.e. username, pfp, title, signature, etc. makes it super obvious), I was so obsessed with it I made Zelda my entire personality. It's all I played and I would NOT talk about anything else. I'm glad that as I got a bit older (to present day) I play other games and talk about other things. 😅

Also, I have a bit of a weird ("advanced") vocabulary for a teenager because I don't understand modern slang.
That was basically me with Pokémon. I was such an outcast in school and didn’t really have anything in common with anyone. My whole personality changed after high school anyway.
- I have my ears stretched to 1 inch.
- I have 5 facial piercings and planning to get 2 more.
- I'm a mom to a crazy 2.5 year old
- I'm currently super pregnant
im 4 feet 10 inches tall and I work in environmental services at a clinic
Whenever I hear a loud noise I have to cover my ears and get out of the area because it gives me a headache. I'm autistic so thats why I'm so sensitive to it.
Whenever I hear a loud noise I have to cover my ears and get out of the area because it gives me a headache. I'm autistic so thats why I'm so sensitive to it.
Same here, I’m on the spectrum too, and loud noises are harder for me to deal with than they are for most people.
- It's not super special but I'm on a couple podcasts despite hating my voice and having somewhat severe social anxiety IRL
- I really enjoyed those days in high school where they would make you run a mile. I liked running. I wonder if I still do!
- I sang in choir in both middle school and high school.. but most of the time I would just lip sync. And I do not sing for anybody, not even my husband
I have naturally brown hair, but died it to a darker shade of brown (almost black) with dark red highlights.
Due to my double vision I have to blink constantly. Otherwise any objects close to my face will split into two. This is especially true when I’m reading.
I collect tube TVs. I really like how they make old games look, so I tend to experiment with different sets. Most people sell them secondhand for dirt cheap. I actually got two for free.
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I know all the words to the song American Pie. I never knew this was a rare thing but literally everyone I've come across do not know the later lyrics. The reason I know it is because we had to study the song in grade 7 music class. The teacher printed us each off the lyrics and we all sung along to it. For what purpose, I do not know lol.
im 4 feet 10 inches tall and I work in environmental services at a clinic
i havent seen this thread in a while but i no longer work at the clinic, teehee, ive been an accountant for over a year now. i don't talk about my job a lot because it's boring but i love it.
I wasn’t allowed to watch Avatar when I was younger because my dad said it references farts. “Air bender”

I wish I was joking, but I’m not…

It was one show I thought I would’ve been interested in but never got to experience it as a child. I don’t want to watch it now since I feel a lot late to the party, plus there are more interesting anime that I want to get into now.
I wasn’t allowed to watch Avatar when I was younger because my dad said it references farts. “Air bender”

I wish I was joking, but I’m not…

It was one show I thought I would’ve been interested in but never got to experience it as a child. I don’t want to watch it now since I feel a lot late to the party, plus there are more interesting anime that I want to get into now.
Not gunna lie I just restarted Avatar for the 3rd time in my life and you are never too late to enjoy this healthy masterpiece. Its better than 80% of anime I watched and it stands up so well because its not trying to cherry pick things from current events. I implore you to give it a chance. It's beautifully written and expertly executed animation.

I guess a little known fact about me is I don't like lammas. They scare me with the 1000 yard stare.

Edited to keep on topic.
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I wasn’t allowed to watch Avatar when I was younger because my dad said it references farts. “Air bender”

I wish I was joking, but I’m not…

It was one show I thought I would’ve been interested in but never got to experience it as a child. I don’t want to watch it now since I feel a lot late to the party, plus there are more interesting anime that I want to get into now.
I mean you can always watch an episode if it looks like it's something you would enjoy. There are plenty of shows that I watched that ended years ago. Heck some people weren't even born when certain shows aired. So I wouldn't say its too late to get into something. Worst case is you don't like it.