Little known fact about you

I am ambidextrous ( I can use both my hands equally)
I was born left handed but my primary school teacher made me use my right hand in school so I developed the ability to use both :p
1. I'm autistic.
2. I'm not into "real" music that much. I prefer video game music.
3. Okay actually I do love Beatles music. So there's that.
4. I actually don't own a mobile phone. The rest of my family does, though.
5. I did not get to play Nintendo games when I was a child (aside from Super Mario Bros. on the NES. That was the only one.). I had to wait until I was a teenager for some reason.
Little known... hmm...
I actually built up an immunity to hot foods (particularly wings) because I was obsessed with Weasly for The Princess Bride being immune to iocane powder. True story, I freak my friends out very time when I order the hottest thing on the menu and eat it like nothing is happening!
-I can't swim or ride a bike
-I try to work out, it just never works out because i'm so weak
-I hate pizza rolls (my friends love them to death)
-I re enact my favorite scenes and quote my favorite lines from my favorite shows when i'm alone, occasionally sing as well
-im terrified of spiders
-im autistic (i think ive mentioned this?)
-some of my hyperfixiations aside from toys are sonic and splatoon
-i hate anything sour
-im really clumsy and will lose balance just standing
-im scared of the dark and have to sleep with a lamp on
-i have to have someone read stuff to me sometimes if it's blocky or textbooky text (think like medicine directions), my brain cant focus and it all blends together
-i often have picnics with my dog lmao
I develop a condition called Aquagenic urticaria, which is means that when my skin gets in contact with water, I get an allergic reaction.
i heard that if you dream that, it means you’re highly stressed!

i felt that mariah. i got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when i was 15
Yeah but you can’t really prevent RA. I brought this upon myself and I continue to not do anything about it.
The only things I'm a right handed person for is writing and using a mouse. Otherwise I use my left hand for everything else.
1. i have hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism. basically my thyroid is underactive and my immune system attacks it
2. i am part indigenous but from siberia
3. i can't fall asleep unless everything is pitch black and completely silent. i am a grandma.