Logo for The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG

Rover AC

~ The Unknown Cat
Aug 13, 2011
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
I was thinking that since the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG is a success all round that we should make a logo for it. Either as a advertisement on TBT like the #belltreeIRC
or a image to insert on the first page of that RPG. Of course we would need to ask Jeremy's permission and all that, but I think it will be a good idea.
I would like you to post your logo ideas and designs here. I don't know a specific size but if your creating a banner for an advertisement then preferably a size similar to the #belltreeIRC banner. Try and include characters like Wigglytuff and Chatot. Please refrain from including real people's characters as it will be pointless because as more people join the RPG the more times you'll have to update the logo and all that...

You can use any Signature designer like Gimp and Paint (there are more out there but I'm not listing them). So have fun I suppose. If a moderator could run this by Jeremy then that would be great.


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I think this would be a fun idea but I think to be fair it would have to represent the RP board as a whole and not just the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG. If allowed to do this, however, we can advertize the Board but use pokemon on the picture, if you know what I mean.
Yeah! Ok I get you. It could have like Pokemon on one side and Harvest Moon on the other. I suppose you'd have to scan through all the RPG titles on this fourm though
We wouldn't have to put a picture for every active RPG, just the most popular ones, ya know?