What Nintendo System are you most nostalgic for?

For me it is definitely the DS Lite. It came everywhere with me, I was constantly playing on it. It’s also the console where I found my love for Animal Crossing. So much nostalgia when I look back at the old games I used to play on there.
When I think about what merch I’d want for a console, I’d say either SNES or GC.

SNES I actually did grow up with and have a lot of found memories with.
GC I to this day have never owned! But I really wanted one as a kid (don’t feel too bad we got a PS2 instead haha). I’d always compare the price of things to it lol “Wow that’s like 2 GCs!” But the want for it was still there, as well as playing at friends’ and later on the Wii
I am most nostalgic for the Nintendo DS Lite, my mom and I used to play on our own systems together when I was a kid.
The 3DS, no question. I had a DS and a Wii before it, but most of my games on them were shovelware (I don't think I ever bought a SINGLE new Wii game after one of my cousins gave us his old one) so I don't have the most distinct memories of either, whereas me getting my 3DS is one of my clearest memories.
The 3DS. Since the Switch succeeded as hybrid console/portable system, I doubt they will ever go back to making dedicated handheld systems, which is a shame because I personally prefer the DS/3DS over the Switch in this regard (I think the Switch is a little too big and clunky and mostly ever play with it docked).
I also really like the graphics of 3DS games in general, and the little personal touches you can add, like themes.
I know it was inconvenient, but I have a lot of nostalgia of sitting in the back of a car, using streetlights/etc. to light my gameboy color so I can play more pokemon silver. That being said, the DS lite is a good contender with how much I played it, and in general I think it's my favorite handheld console period.
I miss my Gamecube and Game Boy Advance SP so much. Best years of my gaming life.
This is a really tough one. It’s either the 3DS or Wii U.
I have extremely nostalgic memories with both (and that’s gonna get worse with time considering I’m not very old obviously)
I got the Wii U in Christmas of 2015 just to play Mario Maker. I played that crap religiously for weeks. I also remember playing Minecraft with my cousin on there. I’m pissed that I sold that old Wii U a few years back. I did get a new one but all my old stuff is gone! Idk what I was thinking.
I got the 2DS with my own money from like 5 baby teeth when I was 6. I got it to play Tomodachi Life after seeing DanTDM play it.
I played that crap an UNHEALTHY amount. Too bad my system clock was screwed up at the time so I have no real accurate way to know when and how much I played it that year. It was a lot though. I stupidly sold that one too for like 30 bucks after getting a New 2DS XL. I think eventually I’ll get a 2DS again
For me it’s a tie between the GBA Sp version and the 3DS.

I played and still play tons of games for both systems but probably closer to gba cause of one specific game that being Golden Sun.