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Long distance love challenge

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What a coincidence
I'm in a relationship my parents didnt know about this
Hahaha when I quoted your message I saw it xD I was really concerned about telling my parents but they actually they really understand luckily :)
Answers for day 1 and 2!

Day 1 how long have you been together? 8 months! October 2013-infinity :D
Day 2 what are you guys favorite colors? (Haha my friend) Both of us purple lol
Finally got all of the questions, even though we thought up most of them ourselves :p If you're interested in seeing our answers day by day, keep track of this thread! :)
Favorite book/book series? Sorry, huuuuuge bookworm alert.
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Is it bad that i know half the answers to these already? XD
Day 3 how'd you meet? We met in August 2013 on jvgs.net after commenting back and forth about furniture in ACNL. I felt like I clicked with Andy so well, and we quickly become very good friends. Soon after, we confessed our feelings towards each other and became partners. We have been ever since and always will be, nothing will change that.

Day 4 where are you both from? Andy's in the US, I'm in the UK, 3700 miles apart

Day 5 how do you guys keep in contact? Mostly Skype (constantly), phone, text and email. Used to use Google hangouts, and ACNL a when we first met!
Day 6 how often do you talk? Basically whenever we can :) Up to 14 hours a day on weekends xD Our longest call was 14:16:13!
Day 7 what is the cutest thing about your partner? EVERYTHING is cute about my darling! There are so many things he does that are just SO cute ♥ The way he looks at me and holds his mic in both hands. When he's tired but he still makes heart shapes at me. When he's asleep and I ask him a question and he's just so sleepy he doesn't even know. When he rests against his pillow. The way he smiles so gorgeously, it means the world to me! So many other things I can think of! -Beth

EVERYTHING is cute about my true love! I love how she looks when she concentrates. I love how fluffy her hair is. I love the way she smiles. The way she does animal noises. How clingy she is is really cute too, it means she'll never be with anyone else! (I NEVER will be -Beth). I love how she hides behind pillows. When she types 'oi' when I turn the camera off. I love how she eeks when she's excited! I just love EVERYTHING about my darling Beth ♥ -Andy
Long distance relationships are rough. Best of luck to you both :>
Aw they can be, thank you!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Day 8 how do you think LDR's compare with other relationships? Although LDR's can be hard, being in one does make you stronger as a couple. Everything is a test of how strong your love is, especially the miles and the waiting. You realize how much you mean to one another, and the thing I love about LDR's is you never, never take each other for granted, which I think is one of the most important things in a relationship. You learn to trust each other and as Andy says, let your bond be a lot stronger.

Day 9 have you ever met in real life before? August is the first time <3
Day 10 what did you do when your SO first told you that they were going to meet you? EEEEEEEEEEK. When it was first definite (after his passport photos), it really made me go crazy! I hid under my pillow and laughed and screeched for about 10 minutes non stop, so loudly my parents gave me a telling off xD I still can't get my head round actually being with him!!!
Day 11 have you ever sent each other mail? I sent Andy mail for his birthday in May, which included about 30 loving messages written on strips of paper ♥
Day 11 have you ever sent each other mail? I sent Andy mail for his birthday in May, which included about 30 loving messages written on strips of paper ♥

Day 12 do you have a song? Do you like the same music? Our song has been Love Story by Taylor Swift ever since we found out we both love the song and it suits our story <3 Most of the music we like is very similar apart from a few exceptions!

Day 13 how old are you both? I'm 14 and Andy's 20! :D

Day 14 do you have any plans to marry? OMG YES!!! We've had plans to get married for a long time now, and we're closer than married already! We plan to have an ACNL themed wedding on June 2nd 2018 and the cake will be ACNL themed too! ^^ The bottom tier will be a little cliff, with a dock and beach, the middle tier a house with all the fruit trees in ACNL surrounding it, and the top tier a night sky, complete with ACWW constellations! On the top will be a little ACNL figure of Andy and I holding hands, on a bridge crossing an ACNL river, with three trees surrounding us, a peach tree, pear tree and cherry tree. I would also love to have bunting in the wedding reception hall/marquee with bell bags, fossils, leaves, presents, letters, chocolate hearts etc. Even the food will be ACNL related in some way, either food you can obtain in ACNL (fruit and furniture items) or be decorated in an ACNL way, i.e. these ACNL cookies!

Day 15 what's the most random thing you know about each other? Andy once dreamt about carpets! Basically he dreamt Jeff had a carpet for every day he blogged about ACNL xD Beth and her brother bought hamsters and named them separately, but when they found out the names of each others hamsters it was Cheese and Pickle, lol!

Day 16 what do you miss most when you're apart? The comfort! Just being together gives us both such a massive sense of security, it's amazing. Even if we're sleeping, I could just stay on the call forever! Being with Andy is just PERFECT!!!

Day 17 describe each other in three words. Describing Andy: Gorgeous, lovable, PERFECTION!!!!!!!!! Describing Beth: Beautiful, pretty, PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!

Day 18 what do you find the hardest about being in an LDR? Has to be the distance! It's so hard to be so far away from someone you love so much. I lay in bed at night and sometimes I reach out for him, I can't sleep unless my phone is under my pillow. I hate knowing that he's there and I'm here, and not being able to just BE with him. The desire is so intense to just kiss and cuddle and hold him close! Even though distance does make you stronger, it can be the hardest thing in the world. -Beth

I want to be with her everywhere, I want to eat with her and take her outside, go on vacation and explore the world together! I hate sitting here being able to see her but not hold her and keep her safe. I just want to be with her physically. -Andy
You have my support, if you need someone to talk about just count with me. I've had a long distant relationship for a year and we are now living together for almost 4. I know how painful it can be and how worth it.

Good luck to both of you :)
Wait, you are 14 and already talking about getting married? wat
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