Pokémon Longest time it took you to obtain a shiny?


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Sep 23, 2014
3 Envelopes
I'm currently masuda methoding Vulpix and 18 boxes of eggs in... Still no shiny!!

What's your longest shiny hunt?
HM. i havent purposely tried MMing for a shiny yet. the only one i got from that was a bagon and it was like, 3 days after i got a japanese ditto.
first shiny i got, however, was a pichu i hatched 2/3 days after i started Y at the beginning of the summer.
I WASNT EVEN TRYING. i wanted pichu for the dex entry so i dumped in a male and female pikachu and got ~3 eggs. one was a shiny but i didnt know after like a day. i noticed it had a lil red star (Y was my first serious pokemon game.......... hahahhh a ah a ha) but i didnt notice ANYTHING special about it.
my brother was upset because it was timid and a female, timid being a good nature i guess.

all other shinies i got (other than bagon) were from wondertrade or toothless12. i'm hoping for a shiny eevee tho so i can have the most ADORABLE sylveon.
Probably about 30 minutes-1hr with the consecutive fishing method.

I typically don't go out of my way to find a shiny.
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I gave up trying to get a shiny Magnemite by MM after Box 24. I then went to check a Friend Safari and the first one was a shiny Espurr. ~_~
The longest time? Using Masuda Method in Y for shiny Espurrs. I hatched over 2000 eggs and got so frustrated that I just decided to get an Espurr Friend Safari. Got two male shiny Espurrs fairly quickly.

I have more luck finding shinies in the wild than I do with breeding. Yesterday I used the Frost Cavern for an hour or two to train some Pokemon, went in today and almost immediately ran into a Vanillite horde with a shiny in it. I wish they would hatch this often.
My longest time was 8 days for a shiny Froakie for an order on GFAQS ages ago. Ugh that stupid little frog!!!! I think it was probably around the 2,600 egg mark. Luckily it came out with protean or I would've had a heart attack and died.
The shortest time: I hatched 3 shiny croagunk within 90 minutes of each other and that was a couple of Sundays ago! Two of them were about 15 eggs apart. Unfortunately none of them had the IVs I wanted, lol, but a day later I got another with the right IVs.
Do you have the shiny charm? There's debate about whether it helps to HATCH shinies, but personally I've noticed since I got my shiny charm, I hatch shinies much quicker. Sending you lots of shiny dust, I hope you get your sparkly Vulpix soon! ^_^
well shiny charm IS supposed to help you get shiny pokemon in general, not just wild ones.
well shiny charm IS supposed to help you get shiny pokemon in general, not just wild ones.

Yup, this is what I (and many others) think too, but because the text description of the shiny charm changed in X and Y to: "A shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pok?mon in the wild." some people say that it now only helps find shinies in the wild.
7 hours into HeartGold I got a shiny Geodude, oh joy! A shiny rock that resembles copper, thats what I look in the tall grass for! ~sarcasm~
I was recently breeding for a competitive Porygon. It took a very long time, I got a shiny Porygon before I got the right IVs, nature, and ability.
My shiny Vulpix hatched! like, just now as I was typing this message. She's timid with drought and have perfect IVs in HP, Attack, Defense, Sp.atk and Sp,def. I'm a little upset about no speed but whatever!
My shiny Vulpix hatched! like, just now as I was typing this message. She's timid with drought and have perfect IVs in HP, Attack, Defense, Sp.atk and Sp,def. I'm a little upset about no speed but whatever!

CONGRATS!!!! Well done, what a brilliant achievement, I bet she's gorgeous. Did you name her? and you could use the Battle Institute method to find out what her speed is, it might still be decent :)
CONGRATS!!!! Well done, what a brilliant achievement, I bet she's gorgeous. Did you name her? and you could use the Battle Institute method to find out what her speed is, it might still be decent :)

Thanks, I nicknamed for Amaterasu after the Shinto goddess of sun. I'll check her speed right now. thanks for suggesting that, i almost forgot you could do the at the Battle Institute.
Congrats on hatching your shiny! I am currently trying to hatch a shiny Honedge, unfortunately I lost count of the eggs haha. I feel like it should come soon though.

The longest time it took for me to get a shiny was when I was trying to get a Budew. I have tried in a few games to get this Pokemon. I found a way to pass on a bunch of evil egg moves, but even with shiny charm I couldn't get one. XY is the only game I have hatched a shiny in. I finally got the Budew I wanted using the Masuda method and I made an awesome Roserade named TuxedoMask. :)
I think I win.

It took me over 10 years to find my first shiny pokemon. I hatched him in luminose city
I've gotten a few shinies randomly through breeding. Bulbasaur, Phione, Petilil and Ralts are the ones I can remember. Then some more through random encounters. Noctowl, Ursaring, Spinda, Haunter, Combee were some of them. I wonder traded some, GTSed Haunter for a legendary which I used to chain trade for other legendaries for the Pok?dex. And the rest of the shinies are still sitting on a box waiting for me to give them away somehow (probably like Haunter if I ever need to fill the Pok?dex again, that's the only reason why I'm saving them).

I think it took me far longer (literally days) to hatch a non-shiny male Adamant 5IV Azurill with Huge Power than it took for me to hatch the male Jolly 5IV shiny Magikarp with its hidden ability that I was hoping for. Other than that, I have tried to hatch a shiny Gastly but no success and I'm not very patient for things like that, so I stopped quickly. I'll probably try again some other time, though.