Look at my first GIMP sig


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2008
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust

I know its not all that great, but hey, it was my first try. ;)

EDIT: I'd like tips on how to make it better and how to do the lighting thing. :gyroidconfused:
It's pretty good. I love the text, except for the friend code. The picture is also a bit choppy, but I can tell it had a background, so pretty good job. Keep going, and you'll be making some cool signatures in no time. Remember, experiment.
Yeah, I knew the FC was bad cuz I finished it and rememberred I didn't have it in there.

I even uploaded it on Photobucket without the FC. :D
Yeah, there's another thing. Never rush a signature, or else you might forget something, or it won't turn out how you wanted it to.
Meh... now the code's not even readable.

Try putting it in the middle, at the bottom. Also, try adding a border. Alright, first, on the layers window, right click the text containing the code. Select the "Alpha to Selection" option. Duplicate the code text layer, and then, under the "select" tab on the window with your sig, click "Grow". Then, change the number to one, and press ok.

Select the text layer under the duplicated one, then take a round brush, with a dark color (black, preferably), color the whole entire selected area, until you have a nice looking border around your text.
malesretmit: You really do know your Gimp. And your advice is spot-on. Very nice.

Amped: It really isn't bad for a first. A mess, but you managed to pull of a lot of things I took weeks to figure out. I look forward to seeing your progress.
jackechan said:
malesretmit12 what did u do to ur sig to make it all oily and watery?? u did the same thing to kordols
Well, I usually copy the layer with the character, or render you placed. I then make a new layer under that one (usually the first layer), and I just use it as a brush. I cover the entire area of the sig with it. Then, under filters, I choose "Gaussian Blur", then I set the settings to anywhere between 20-25. Then I go under the "Noise" option, then I choose pick.

I put both sliders up to 50, then I check the "randomize button." there you have it. :)