looking for a town with Shampoodle/island

I really want to check out the island! I need to seize this opportunity :D

My character's name is Dee and my FC is on the left, and no rush, I can wait
I sent a message your way, Redkingzzz, I'm sorry if you're getting flooded with requests to visit right now >w<
I didn't want to start a new thread, I'd also be really appreciative of anyone who could let me duck in and use their Shampoodle. I can give you cherries if you don't... already have all the fruit. >-<

My FC is: 0189 - 8904 - 3114
K I'll add the rest of you guys the that's it and if you want to come to my island you'll have to come back

This is the last time for hair cut
The gate is now open
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Hey I need to visit a shampoodle!
Could I please please please stop by for a quick visit? Promise I won't hold you up if you are trying to get off.
FC: 1547 - 6377 -9961
K I'll add the rest of you guys the that's it and if you want to come to my island you'll have to come back

This is the last time for hair cut
The gate is now open

Will you maybe be allowing others for tomorrow? I couldnt come online earlier due to my internet being a tad spotty (tornado warning and massive rain where im at) and just notice your reply :(
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