Looking for friends, and to visit other peoples Towns! :D

I'm from the UK! i have left school so i will practically be on all day for months xDD
add my friend code, and i will add you all back :)
I'm from the Netherlands if you would like to add me to, than that's awesome.

Name: Lisanne
Friend code: 0146-9412-7823
I'm a little paranoid that my system will crash if I have people in my town or go to someone elses :(

EDIT: seems my ds decides when it wants to work and when it doesnt, hmmm
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nice day this morning. thank you very much for let me visit your town, guys.

i will add today: Sundaiie, Nellen, gillynomad, Gizmondo, Lisanne and Royal Savant.

If you want, this is my code:

3DS code: 1848-2962-8803 (Oscar)

see you son!!!
I added everyone in the thread some of you have not added me so here is my friend code once again :3! 3539-9458-8317