Buying Looking for my dream collectibles ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿข 7/11 found! Now selling common collectibles

Hey, this is a bit of a long shot but I might as well ask: would you be willing to date trade your silver moon jellyfish?
After waiting a bit, I don't think I'll be able to afford the silver moon jellyfish due to not having enough tokens. Though I think I'm going to sell some collectibles to afford more of my dream collectibles:
I am now selling:
4 green stockings dates from December 18th, to December 22nd 2020, name your price
Let me know if you'd be interested in these! I'm sorry I don't have more expensive collectibles I want to sell, but this should at least make it easier to get 1k tbt so I can buy a purple bat potion
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Going to add this oarfish body piece to the list!
I'm offering 1.7k, however I'm will to go lower if it seems too expensive
All collectibles are still available, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. You can pm me or post here if you're interested, doesn't matter to me
I can now afford a purple bat potion
and a dark egg
. For the potion I'm offering up to 1.1k, and for the dark egg I'm offering 2k. Whichever one I get first. Let me know if you'd be interested in selling these to me!