Looking For Looking for my dream villagers! Please help me!

I got Cherry in my Cycling Town!

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Shes 10 TBT if your interested.
so i hear you're looking for Claudia? ;))) i have her in my town and have been (admittedly passively) trying to get her to move out. she's unoriginal (her catchphrase is different and i think she stole another villager's shirt), but if you're interested, i can certainly hurry her along!
things i'll accept: tbt, holly starts, or Chief (i noticed he was one of your listed ones for trade)
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I'm looking for my dream villagers. The ones I currently want are these :)


i was offering bells before, but sadly my data got corrupted, so i lost my town of 3 and a half years, along with 1.5 mil bells. whoops. i can pay in tbt, just name your price. or perfect cherries, if you'd like. or we could work something out.

i also have these villagers which i would be willing to trade:


i have amiibo cards too that i could import them in and we could trade with them:


my friend code is 5215-0892-5080, and my name is Asher. i'm usually free so just comment and we can work stuff out. thanks! (by the way, i'm in cst/cdt time :) )

*i'll edit this later if anything updates or whatever.

omg you have lolly and bunnie GIVE EM TO ME x3 No but seriously pleaseeee I really want themmmm
Hi! How long will you be on for? I can help you out with your remaining villagers for 20 tbt each.
Hi! How long will you be on for? I can help you out with your remaining villagers for 20 tbt each.

i'll be on most of the night! although i have to move out a couple villagers i can take in one right now! do you have cherry available?
Sorry, so sorry! I vanished yesterday! I'll be on now for the next 12 hours or so!
Sorry, so sorry! I vanished yesterday! I'll be on now for the next 12 hours or so!

I'm sorry too! We had a mini vacay to Michigan yesterday so I couldn't get online. But I'll be on and off today, just lmk when you can go on!

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Hi, I would like to buy Poppy.

do you have a villager you'd trade her for? I'm mostly looking for that so my town pattern isn't messed up but just name your price
Hi, yeah, i can help you. I just need your availability. I've already got Cherry in my town.

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Also, please like my posts so I get a notification.

sure! i can get her in today but i'll let you know when she's in boxes

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Hi, yeah, i can help you. I just need your availability. I've already got Cherry in my town.

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Also, please like my posts so I get a notification.

**edit i've gotten cherry from another person, i apologize. could i maybe get genji instead?
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