I am going to try me finish couple of sets for my daughter for xmas. I could really use the following. Can you please let me know what you would want for these cards?
003 DJ KK
012 Crazy Red
013 Saharah
017 Lottie
020 Curt
033 Bill
035 Deli
051 Opal
064 Pudge
065 Midge
072 Lionel
074 Cobb
086 Chief
093 Bertha
I'm interested in 108 Tommy, 110 Leila, 135 Pheobe, 190 Vesta, 196 Freya, 197 Kid Cat, 236 Freckles, 291 Sparro, 372 Doc, 378 Barold, 388 Maelle, WA 16 Stu, WA 21 Boyd, WA 22 Bitty, WA 42 Gonzo, & WA 49 Ike but I don't know what you would want to trade for them...
This is a long shot, but I want to try and trade away these extra AC cards. I really want Kid Icarus AR cards, but I sorta want the Mario Sports Mix cards too. I will get a list together of what I have on each of these if anyone wants to try and set something up.
Hi! I'm interested in both 34 Boots and Crazy Redd, I can offer Goldie Amiibo Festival Promo Card for it. If you don't want to trade, I'm totally okay with that. You choose whichever you want to trade either Boots or Redd. Just thought I asked.
|sf>Honestly, I finished collecting the AC cards ages ago, but I'm part of a Facebook Nintendo forum where there's someone else who still needs AC cards. However, she doesn't need any of my duplicates. I've also gotten into the Mario Sports cards and I'm down to needing just 8 of them. I feel like I've just about exhausted my options on those, so I'm trying to see if the other person needs any of your AC duplicates. With the Mario Sports cards I have some double duplicates and even some triplet duplicates. I'm not ready to set up anything at this point, but I just thought I'd throw this out.