United States Looking for Series 5. Have 1-5 and Welcome Amiibo to trade. USA only, please

I have 442 Zoe, but the only thing on your list that I need is Flick or K.K. If you're only trading for Sps I would understand.

Hi! I have Zoe & Sable and I am looking for a few of your series 5 (Ione mostly) let me know if you'd like to trade!

Edit: No longer have Sable or need Ione but I do still have a Zoe and am looking for Sherb :)
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Hi! How many S5 SPs do you want for 22 - Bitty? She's the last card I need to complete my set! I have 2 more packs coming in tomorrow as well as an extra Wardell in the future. I can also trade you other WA cards if you want
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411 KK has been traded. Any of my other duplicates are available for Series 5 sp cards
Hello! Is your ISO list up to date? I have a few series 5 SPs and I'm interested in Cashmere, Gonzo, and Ike :)
Yep, Welcome Amiibo should be up to date.

My want last is up to date, but I have 401 Tom Nook coming. Havent taken it off yet
I have 401, 408, & 416 and would love to trade any 2 of them for 302 Brewster and 359 Apple.
Hello! Would you be interested in trading your WA20 Billy and any of your Lottie NPC cards for my 410 Label?